Ch. 21

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By the time Holden finished telling me about what I need to do and how things are going to go down later in the morning I was falling asleep in my chair. It was still dark out and no body in camp would be up for hours. When I walked into the tent Ryker was still sound asleep, he was so adorable when he slept. I had the urge to run my hands up and down his chest and all through his hair but refrained from doing so because I knew if I did I really wouldn’t get any sleep. Instead I took my shoes off and crawled into the sleeping bag and curled into his side. Staring up at his handsome face I couldn’t help but think about tomorrow. I had faith that Ryker would pass Holden’s little test he was giving but there was just this tiny little fear in the back of my mind that it wouldn’t work and I would end up losing him, I was praying that wouldn’t happen.

When I woke up the second time the sun was up and it was starting to get really hot in the tent. I sat up and practically threw the hoodie off of  me but it got caught on my pony tail. I heard Ryker laugh before I felt it pulled all he way off my head. I plopped down and kicked the blankets off of me.

“Hot?” Ryker laughed.

“Extremely. Between your hoodie and the blankets I felt like I was going to die.”

“Don’t be do dramatic! When did you put my hoodie on? I could swear you didn’t go to sleep with it on.” I froze for a second, he couldn’t know I talked to Holden last night.

“I got cold in the middle of the night.”

“Oh,” he sat silently for a moment, “Are you okay this morning?” he finally asked.

“I don’t know,” as I said this I slumped my shoulders and tried to think of the saddest thing I could to bring tears to my eyes. “He was so pissed last night, I can’t lose him Ryker.” He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me.

“You’re not going to, we are going to make this better.” We sat there wrapped in each others arms; I loved how easy it was for him to comfort me. But I knew the next hour or so was going to be terrible because one, I had to act and two, my acting is terrible. I was amazed he believed it now, I was so unrealistic.

“When we get home I am taking you out on a date and we might even take the ninja out, sound good?” I nodded. “Good, now lets go get some food, I’m starving.” His stomach growled as he said that and I giggled at him.

          When I stepped out of the tent I stopped laughing, everyone was looking at us. Ryker just ignored them, grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the food. I looked over and saw Holden eyeing us with a glare; he obviously found it easy to stay in character. He was with Hadley, Erik and Zave who hadn’t noticed us yet. The rest of camp just eyes us suspiciously; they must have been to far gone last night to notice what happened. We ate quickly and quietly, when we had both finished Ryker offered to take my garbage. Just as he was about to come back Holden stopped him and punched him in the jaw. I gasped and jumped up; he never said he was going to punch Ryker.

“Holden? What the hell?!” I yell to him, he paid me no attention.

“That was for fucking lying to me and going after my sister.” I went to go help Ryker but Zave came up behind me and grabbed my arms, holding me in place. This really wasn’t part of the plan.

“Tylie, stay over there, this is between us.” He told me and gave me a looking before turning back to Ryker.

“You think I don’t know what your like? We’ve been best friends since like first grade man. I’ve partied with you; you’re just going to use my sister.” By now I was so mad at Holden I had tears pricking in my eyes. “Tylie you are not to see Ryker anymore. You go behind my back again and I will not hesitate to ship you to go be with mom understand?” Now it was my turn to act.

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