Ch. 16

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I know it has been FOREVER since i have updated and i am so sorry! Major writers block.. haha not fun let me tell you! i hope you enjoy!!

Lost. That is all I have to explain where I am. Completely and utterly lost in the woods. All I can see around me are trees and bushes, no indication of where camp is. We have been wandering around for what feels like hours trying to find our way back to the others but it was no help, the best we could do anymore would be to sit and wait for them to find us.

“Where the fuck are we Zave?” I asked for the millionth time in the last hour. Instead of replying he just glared at me. This morning a bunch of our friends showed up, so when we got bored and were looking for something to do, someone mentioned a hike. Everyone thought it was a great idea and we set out. Three hours into it Zave and I were at the end of the line and in need of a break, mainly because we had ran and goofed off the first two hours but still, we needed a break and nobody else wanted to stop. So, Zave being Zave remembered a short cut coming up on the trail. We tried to get the rest of the group’s attention but it was no use, they were all busy talking and too far ahead. We figured we would just meet them at the waterfalls. Little did I know that Zave was totally directionally challenged and thought he remembered the right way, turns out he had no idea what he was doing or where he was going. Which brings us to our current situation, we had tried to go back the way we came but we had taken so many twists and turns that we couldn’t get back to the main trail.

“Zave, do you think we will ever find camp?” I asked seriously. I was tired of wandering around trying to find our way back to camp and it really didn’t look like we were going to find it any time soon. This time Zave stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at me.

“Yes, we will find camp.” He said so sternly you had no choice but to believe him. “Maybe we should take a break and wait for a while? Maybe they will find us.” He asked and I nodded vigorously. We both sat down on a fallen tree and sat silently for a while.

“Well so much for going to the Falls!” Zave exclaimed.

“I wonder how long it took the group to figure out we weren’t with them anymore?” I asked, laughing because knowing our group they didn’t realize until they were at the falls. Zave started laughing too, probably realizing the same thing. Zave ended up falling asleep sitting on the ground with his back propped up against the fallen tree. He slept for a couple hours but I didn’t mind, we were both tired, I was just too worried to sleep.


          It was starting to get dark when I thought I heard something, not like twigs snapping or anything scary, more like someone yelling. When I didn’t hear it again I decided I was imagining things until I heard it again not even two minutes later. And then again. I couldn’t make out what was being said but I could hear them and I had a pretty good idea they were yelling for us. I nudged Zave with my elbow but he didn’t move.

“Zave!” I whispered. Nothing. This time I shoved him and he fell on his side in the dirt. This got his reaction; he sat up quickly and was about to yell at me when I shushed him and pointed to my ear, motioning for him to listen. He sat quietly for a minute.

“I hear yelling,” he stated looking confused. “Oh! It’s got to be our group!” Bing. Bing. Bing. Ladies and gentlemen we have a genius on our hands. We both stood up and started walking toward the voices. By now we could hear them yelling our names.

“Over here!” I yelled. Zave and I picked up our speed, trying to find our friends. They kept yelling while we hurried toward their voices. When I saw the light from the flashlights I could have died form happiness. They were in a little clearing so as soon as we broke away from the tree line five bodies came barreling toward us. I was scooped into a bear hug by my brother, he held on like he thought I was dead. When he pulled away I knew I was dead.

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