Ch. 8

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Another chapter! hope you guys are likeing the story so far! Vote and Comment, love to know what you think!

I was so tired my eye lids didn’t want to open. There was what felt like an arm, wrapped around my waist and I could feel someone breathing on my neck. I was so comfortable and it felt too good to have someone holding me, I was happy and content and I just wanted to stay like this... wait.... who was holding me?  I slowly opened my eyes, but quickly closed them because the sun was bright. I heard a soft chuckle in my ear and the wall behind me slightly move. Turning around, I opened my eyes again. I was in Ryker’s living room lying on the couch. Ryker was beside me, hugging me close, there was a big comforter over us.  Without even thinking I cuddled into his chest and closed my eyes again.

“What’s so funny?” I asked softly.

“You’re so cute in the morning.” He said, moving the hair out of my face.

“Thanks?” not believing anyone could look or act cute in the morning. Especially after crying their eyes out the night before. I pulled my head back and looked up at him—I was automatically greeted by those gorgeous golden brown eyes. They bore down into mine, giving me butterflies.

“I really like waking up like this.” He said softly as his head slowly made its way down to me. My breathing slowed and my heart sped making my butterflies worse the closer his lips got to mine. Finally our lips touch and it was pure bliss. At first it was soft and gentle, he engulfed me in his arms, bringing our bodies closer and heating up the kiss. As kisses go, that was probably the best first kiss I’d ever had. I’ve dated before, and they were good kissers but nothing compared to Ryker.

          He pulled back, both of us catching our breath, He smiled down at me.

“I have been waiting to do that for a very long time.” I blushed and hid my face in his chest—he brought my chin up so he could see me again. Just as he was bringing his head closer to kiss me again, my brain kicked on, I put my hand on his chest.

“We can’t do this…” I said as I got off the couch and started grabbing my stuff.

“Where are you going?” he asked, sounding a little hurt.

“I don’t know… somewhere.” Just as I was opening the door, it slammed shut. A hand was holding the door closed. I felt his body press against my back, “What are you doing?” He asked gently in my ear, sending chills all the way down to my toes.

“I’m leaving.”


“I shouldn’t be here.” He turned me around, but I wouldn’t look him in the eyes.

“Why not?”

“It’s not right, your Holden’s best friend, you have been since you guys were in the first grade.”

“So?” He sounded confused.

“So?! You know him as well as I do! You know how he upset he’ll be. Did you not witness Sunday?”

“I did, and he was upset but he got over it.”

“No, he didn’t. He’s still upset but he was more upset about my dad to care about what I did.” He didn’t say anything, just stood there staring at me.

“I have to go.” He didn’t move his had from the door. “Please just let me leave Ryker.” He removed his had but didn’t budge.

“This could work Ty, you just have to want it. And I know you want me too or you wouldn’t have kissed me back.” Ryker said as I walked away and I heard the door slam shut behind me. As soon as I was far enough away from his house I started sprinting to get to my own. Opening the front door I called to see if anyone was home, no one replied. I checked the kitchen and TV room, no one. I ran upstairs and checked Holden’s room, it looked like he never came home last night. My moms room was empty too which was weird because she almost never leaves the house and if she did she would call or text, just then a piece of paper caught my eye;

Holden and Tylie,

I need some time alone to think, I have gone to stay with Grandma Laura and Aunt Vicky in Florida. If you need anything call your father. i will call in a couple of days to check on you. The house is stalked full with food and everything is there. Be safe and stay out of trouble.

Love you both.


P.S. I am very Sorry!

My eyes were blurry and I dropped the paper, everything was falling apart. Dad had cheated and left. Mom went on a random vacation and left us. And I screwed everything up with Ryker, my dad was just getting better and better.

          I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I hear whispering voices. It sounds like the boys, I keep my eyes closed. I hear Holden, he sounds really pissed—he must have found moms note. I feel someone pick me up but I don’t open my eyes still. I fear it might be Ryker’s since I hear his angry whispers amongst the others. I feel them lay me down, kiss my forehead and walk out and I drift back to sleep.

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