Ch. 6

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That week ended up being the worst week of my life. Holden decided to become the world’s biggest dick and no one had anything to do with me. Holden would take me to school and be there right as I walked out of school to pick me up—he practically monitored my phone calls and texts asking who it was and what they wanted. He wouldn’t let anyone come over and I wasn’t allowed to talk to or see Ryker or anyone else for that matter. He was glued to my hip and wouldn’t leave me be. My dad came home and spent most of his time at the office, he was almost never home. Only coming home to shower and occasionally sleep. My mom kept herself locked in her room, which was odd but she didn’t have anything to do with anyone either. I didn’t even see Eve, she was so caught up with Matthew I didn’t hear from her ever.

          On Tuesday I heard a big thump on the roof by my window. I opened my window and noticed a rock with a piece of paper attached to it sitting on the roof.  I really wanted to know what it was but I absolutely hate heights and being on the roof. Curiosity taking over, I popped out my screen and carefully maneuvered myself out, wobbling in fear I sat on my butt and slowly slid my way over to the rock. Once I reached it I backed up and carefully undid the paper, it was a note;


I’m sorry about Sunday morning, I know how protective Holden is and I shouldn’t have asked you to stay the night. I hope you can forgive me and Holden will chill out. I want to hang out with my friend again.


P.S. Thumbs up if you can forgive me, thumbs down if not

P.S.S. Look over

I looked over at Ryker’s house, he was standing in his driveway watching me. I gave him thumbs up because he had no reason to apologize to me, it was my choice and Holden was the one being an ass. Ryker smiled at my thumbs up and then laughed as I flipped him off. I have always been deathly afraid of heights and everyone knows it.

          By Thursday I was beyond sick of Holden, he wouldn’t let me out of his sight, which meant I had to spend quality time with him and Zave—it  was hell!

“Why are you acting like such a freak?” I finally asked that afternoon while he was watching TV and I was doing homework.

“What Tylie?” he asked a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Why are you acting like this? What did I do?”

“You went behind my back and slept at a boys.”

“What?!?! Are you Insane? First its Ryker, I don’t like him, he’s one of your best friends. Second, you left me all alone with him for girls and a party. He was being nice and invited me over for dinner and movies as friends. Third, it’s not like anything happened, he let me borrow clothes to sleep in and I slept in the other bedroom.”

          Friday ended up being worse than the rest of my week. Holden got a little better but he still drove me to and from school. I had seen Eve around school a couple of times but we still hadn’t really talked. Ryker and I hadn’t seen each other since Tuesday but I knew he was just waiting for Holden to cool down.

          On our way home Friday we drove past Ryker’s house, he was outside mowing the lawn. He was in a pair of board shorts and he was shirtless, and did he looked good. He works out just as much as Holden and Zave and he is defined. He had amazing abs and his arms looked great as he was pulling the starter on the mower, it showed all his muscles perfectly. I knew I was staring but it was hard not too, just then those gorgeous golden brown eyes were staring straight into mine. I wanted to look away because I was embarrassed by getting caught but I didn’t. He smiled and waved at me, I quickly waved back. I heard Holden scuff—looking over at him I saw he was glaring at Ryker. I knew he wasn’t as mad as he had been—he was just making a point that he wasn’t letting him anywhere near me.

          Pulling into the driveway we noticed there were clothes and most of dad’s stuff thrown all over the lawn, just then even more stuff came flying out the upstairs window, almost hitting dad who was coming out of the house carrying a couple suitcases.

“Dad? Where are you going?” I ask as he rushed past me, his suitcase smacking into my knee and knocking me onto my butt.

“What the hell?” Holden demanded, helping me up off the ground. It didn’t even faze my dad—he just started collecting his stuff from the front lawn. Mom kept throwing all his stuff out the window until she couldn’t find anything else to get rid of. What was going on? Why were my parents acting so horrible? My mom came storming out of the house and marched right up to my dad, pointing a finger at him.

“This is your entire fault! You're the one who ruined this family so you get to explain to our children how you have been having an affair with your secretary!” She yelled at him. WHAT?!? My dad cheated on my mom with his secretary? Holden and I stood there shocked. Then out of nowhere, Holden’s fist connected with our dads face, he fell to the ground like a dead log. I gasped but made no move to help him up, how could he do this to our family?

          My mom turned and walked back upstairs, a little while later you heard the bedroom door slam shut. Holden started grabbing dad’s stuff off the lawn and throwing it in his truck, when everything was gone he grabbed his keys, got in his car and took off down the road. Now my dad and I stood awkwardly in the yard, he opened his mouth to say something but I started walking down the road before he could say anything.

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