Ch. 20

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The next morning I got up and got ready, then made my way out to make breakfast. Most of the camp was up and about, ready for the day. While I was finishing food for the boys and me, I saw my brother walk up to Ryker. They talked for a while and then man hugged. I awed silently in my head and smiled at them. Holden looked a lot happier as he made his way over to get food but Ryker just looked guilty. It made me feel guilty for making Ryker lie to his best friend; I really needed to tell Holden.

The day was a pretty boring one; we all pretty much just hung around camp, everyone was saving their energy for the last night blow out. The boys had made a town run to get more alcohol and supplies.  As the day went on people were getting more excited, by dark we had a full out party going on.

I was walking around camp socializing and checking on everyone when I was yanked into my tent. I turned around to and was face to face with Ryker; before I could say sorry his lips were on mine. I was a little shocked but quickly kissed him back, my arms going up around his neck and my fingers weaving into his hair. He pulled me really close and kissed me deeper, one of his hands went under my shirt and cupped me and he took the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. He pulled away a little after and rested his forehead on mine.

“I’m Sorry Ty. I know how much your relationship with your brother means to you. I shouldn’t pressure you into something your not ready to do. As long as I have you I’m happy.” He pecked my lips.

“No, don’t. You shouldn’t be saying sorry, I should. I want us to be public; it’s not fair of me to ask you to keep us secret. I’m going to tell Holden tomorrow. I promise. I’ll sit down and have an adult conversation with him. I’m so sorry!” With that we made sure the tent was shut before he pulled me down on his lap and pulled me close. He kissed me fiercely and our tongues began to dance.  Both our shirts were long gone when he lay me down on the blankets. My hands were running up and down his ripped chest, making him shiver in response, I smiled at that. One of Ryker’s hands was messaging my chest as the other supported himself above me. I loved the feeling of him lying above me, our legs tangled together. He stopped kissing me and made his way down my jaw and feathered kissed down my neck until he found the spot. I let out a soft moan as he sucked on my neck. When he was satisfied he made his way back up to my mouth. I moved my body against his and he let out the sexiest throaty moan, it made me want to melt on spot. Just then the tent door burst open and Holden came flying in. You heard Hadley screaming at him to stop but he already noticed us. At first he seemed confused by rage quickly over took it. Ryker tried to cover my almost naked torso with his body as Erik and Zave entered the tent to see what was wrong with Holden. Holden looked like he couldn’t decide if he should beat the shit out of Ryker or scream at the both of us.

“I cannot believe the two of you!” He roared. “You not only snuck around but you lied to my face about it. You,” He pointed at Ryker, “You are one of my best friends, and you know how I feel about my friends with my sister. I can’t believe you would go against me like that.”

“Holden, please—“He cut me off.

“And you! How could you lie to me like this? You looked me straight in the eye and made me feel guilty for assuming yesterday!”

“Holden, just listen—“I tried again, tears streaming down my cheeks.

“After everything that’s happened lately, you of all people go and do this. It’s like I can’t trust any of my family anymore. Just leave me alone.” He stormed out of the tent. I started sobbing as soon as he left.

“Tylie, it’ll all be ok, I promise,” I heard Hadley say before she ran after my brother. Zave gave us a disgusted look before leaving and Erik just looked apologetic even though this is what he warned me about. I felt Ryker get up and put a shirt on before making his way over to the door too. I jerked up to look at him.

“Where are you going?” I asked, desperate for him to stay with me. He didn’t say anything as he helped me into my shirt and into the sleeping bag with him. He hugged me close to his chest before finally replying.

“I’m not going any where.” I cried myself to sleep in his arms.

Sleep didn’t last long for me, I woke up and Ryker was still sound asleep. It was still dark out so I quietly grabbed my shoes and his hoodie and made my way out of the tent. As I walked toward the still blazing fire I noticed I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t sleep. Holden was sitting in one of the chairs gazing into the fire, deep in thought. I almost turned around and left him alone but decided against it. Instead I took a chair and set it right in front of him, he tried to get up and leave but I pushed him back into his seat.

“I know you’re mad at me, you have every right to be but your going to sit here and hear me out. With Ryker I feel something I’ve never felt before, he makes me so happy and he’s been there for me when no one else was, even you. He has been nothing but sweet and kind to me since he’s gotten home. He’s not the same boy he was when he left two years ago. I get all those girly tingles and butterflies when he’s around me. I’m totally and full heartily falling for that man. I know we should have told you but I was so scared to. Mom and dad both left, I couldn’t and can’t lose you too. You’re all I have left and I’m scared of losing that. I’m the one who told Ryker not to tell you, he wanted to tell you on so many occasions but I stopped him each time. Don’t be mad and take it out on him, it was all my fault.” As I talk the tears start streaming down my face faster and faster, I have to pause every once and a while to even get the words out, “I am so sorry for hurting you Holden. It was never my intention. I was going to tell you tomorrow, I’m really sorry. I know your not going to forgive me now but please forgive me before you and Hadley get married.” I was going to get up to leave when Holden did the last thing I imagined. He hugged me close to him and laid his head on mine. We stood like that for a long time.

“You smell like him.” Holden randomly stated after a while. I laughed even though stray tears will still falling from my eyes. I wiped them away quickly before answering.

“Ya well I’m sort of wearing his sweatshirts.” I answered him. He playfully flicked the hood but noticed something on my neck and pushes my head away to get a better look.

“He marked you? Are you kidding me?” he growled. I pulled the sweatshirt closer to my neck and laughed at my brother.

“Like you haven’t marked a girl, Like Hadley isn’t marked now.”

“That’s different, this is weird.” He complains

“What is?”

“You wearing his clothes, Ryker giving my sister a hickey, You and him together. I never though my best friend and my baby sister would end up together.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop saying sorry. Just tell me this, are you two serious? Were you serious when you told me you were falling for him or way that just a way to make me go easy on you guys?”

“I am one hundred percent serious, I was being honest with you Holden, I haven’t even told him that yet. We haven’t even been on a date yet, but he’s so sweet to me. I—“

“Ok, I don’t want to hear the mushy gushy details. I’m not agreeing to be okay with this yet. I’m still you guys went behind my back and keeping this from me. I want him to prove that he’s serious and he’s not going to hurt you.”

“Ok… How is he supposed to do that?”

“Well… how do you feel about doing some acting?”

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