Ch. 5

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sorry my chapters are so short! I had all this pre written out and sectioned off and i just recently decided to post it. Hope you enjoy! Comment and Vote!!(:

The next morning I was deep in sleep, having an amazing dream about Ryker and I. We were sitting down stairs talking, like last night, when all the sudden he grabs the back of my neck and brings his face down to mine. He starts kissing me slowly, and then heats it up by pulling me closer and sticking his tongue in my mouth. I let out a small moan—the kiss is amazing, by now I am straddling him, feeling all his muscles. When all the sudden the doorbell went crazy!  I jump out of bed scared shitless, my foot catches on the sheets and I fall flat on my butt. Ryker burst through the door looking around for me, when he finally spots me he starts chuckling.

“Are you ok?” he asks me as he helps me off the floor and get untangled. right as he helped me up my foot slipped on the sheet and I about fell again if Ryker hadn’t pulled me close to his chest and saved me.

“Yeah, what the hell is up with your doorbell?” I asked looking up at him, he was so close, and it gave me goose bumps having his lips so close to mine. He just shrugged and then smiled.

“You look good in my cloths.” He let go of me and went downstairs to answer the door, I blushed a deep red then followed him.

“Can I make some coffee?” I asked as we made our way down the stairs.

“Please!” he begged.

I found everything pretty easily—it was all centered around the coffee pot. All the sudden I heard yelling and doors slamming. Setting down the two coffee mugs I had filled for Ryker and I I rushed out to the living room to see what all the commotion was all about.

“Where the hell is my sister? She never came home last night.” I hear what sounded like Holden yelling.

“Dude, chill! She was here.” Ryker explained trying calm him down. Right when I walked in the room I saw Holden grab Ryker by the collar of the shirt and press him against the wall. His face was up close and personal to Rykers, Holden looked pissed.

“Why the fuck is she here with you? You better as hell didn’t try anything with her.”

“Dude!” Ryker yelled trying to get loose from Holden’s hold but not succeeding.

“Holden Reed! What the hell are you doing?” I yelled at my brother. He looked over at me and he looked like he was going to kill someone.

“Why. The. Fuck. Are. You. Wearing. His. Clothes?” he asks through his teeth.

“He lent me some clothes so I wasn't sleeping in what I wore to the beach, Holden.” I told him, rolling my eyes at his stupidity.

“Why were you even over here? Much less sleeping here?” He was such an over protective older brother.

“He asked me if I wanted to come watch movies and have dinner, by the time we were done it was like two and he asked if I wanted to crash here.”

“You should have gone home.” He stated. “You should have called me.”

“Yeah, because you were home last night too.”

“Whatever get your stuff you're going home now.” I was mad at him for being a jerk, so I rolled my eyes again, and ran upstairs to get my stuff. Walking back downstairs Holden and Ryker were eyeing each other. I pushed my brother out the door and turned around to Ryker.

“I’m sorry” was all I said before I went home.

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