Ch. 18

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Two updates in 1 week! haha hope you like! vote and comment!!<3

We gathered everything we could possibly prank with and got to work—everyone person would get messed with. We started with Zave since he is the heaviest sleeper and we easily make our way to the rest of the tents. After we had hit ever single tent it was going on 7 am and people were starting to wake up. The three of us decided to hide in my tent and peek through the bottom of the zip up door. We didn’t have to wait long before we heard shuffling throughout the camp, soon after came screams and cussing. We mainly just messed with our closest friends—for Zave we took two water bottles and slightly unscrewed the caps and threw them into this sleeping bag. So while he slept they would leak all over and we would be soaked. Then we took fishing line and made a trip line just outside of his tent so when he came out all mad and wet he would trip and become a muddy mess.  

As for Erik, my brother had though ahead—Erik is very afraid of snakes and Holden just happened to bring a fake snake with him. So we positioned the snake at Erik’s head, so when he woke up he would see it and freak out. But the mean part is, is we zip tied the zippers on the tent together so he is stuck in the tent. For some of our other friends we took out the poles to their tents and lightly dug them into the ground, so when they went to find out what all the commotion is about the tents will collapse on them and they will have problems getting out. I wanted to do more pranks and get Hadley but my brother was very against that idea.

So here we were lying in my tent by the entrance watching and waiting for the madness to begin—I pulled out my phone and set it to video. Usually with our pranks once one starts the domino effect takes place. The cussing ended up coming from Zave—when he opened the tent his pants were dripping with water. He came barreling out of there so fast, his foot caught the wire and he went tumbling to the ground. He lay there for a moment, trying to calm himself but you could practically see the steam coming from his ears.

“Who did this?” he asked the ones who were up and happened not to get tricked. Hadley was by the camp fire and staring at Zave.

“What did you drink too much last night and were too lazy to go use the toilet last night?” Hadley asked as she burst into laughter. Zave got even more mad, kicked the dirt and stomped back to his tent—again forgetting about the trip line and falling into his tent, a line of curses followed. The camp burst out into laughter and just as I was about to also, two different hands covered my mouth.

Before I could say anything we heard a loud girly scream come from next door. I positioned the camera towards the tent—we saw a shadow jumping up and down. Then we saw one zipper move, the other following close by. It took Erik a few moments to realize that he was stranded.

“Are you shitting me?” we heard him yell. “Let me the fuck out! NOW!” nobody in camp moved, just stared at the tent, then two or three tents around camp collapsed and you heard a few girls screaming.

          Zave came out of his tent again, stepping over the wire and went over to the kitchen area and grabbed a knife. He went over to Erik’s tent and cut the zip tie off—Erik ran out of there so quick you would have though someone had tried to kill him. Zave then went into the tent and grabbed the fake snake.

“It’s a fake, you girl.” He told Erik. Erik turned bright red and tried to hide his face. I snorted and Ryker covered my mouth again, everyone must have heard me because they all turned to my tent.

          It clicked in Erik and Zave’s minds because they were rushing over to us, I backed up and then realized I was in the tent still. The door was ripped open and they looked pissed.

“She did it, it was all her!” the boys both said at the same time, traitors. Zave through me over his shoulder and started to make his way out of the tent but I grabbed Ryker’s shirt attempting to pull him along too.

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