Chapitre 2

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Jane walked in her room, she grabbed her not book and started to draw, listening to sweet Jane by cowboy junkies.

She then heard her dad walking in her room, " why aren't you at school ? You're skipping again ?" Asked her dad.

"Well uh, I.. I'm tired, so I though I could..." she started, " how many times I have to say this ! Don't skip school !" Screamed the man, throwing his can on the wall.

"Dad you're drunk again..." said the brunette looking at her dad, she knew something was going to happen, so she backed up.

"If y-you ski-skip school again, I-I'm going to-to send you , to your- mom i-in California" said the man pushing Jane on the wall.

" no I won't skip again I promise." Said the girl, she closed her eyes, knowing the man was going to hurt her, that's what he did.

He punched her on the stomach, and then on the eye, and then he just walked away, living his daughter crying on the floor.

The poor girl was in so much pain, she was so hurt, she got up and sat on her bed, crying, and then she just fall asleep.

The next day, she woke up, her stomach hurting her, she got out of bed and walked toward the bathroom, when she entered she looked at herself in the mirror, her eye was blue and swollen.

She washed her face along with her teeth and got ready for the day, she walked toward the kitchen and eat something before grabbing her bag and keys walking out and toward the school.

Once she got there, she put in her hood and walked in looking at the floor, she walked toward her locker, got her books out and walked toward her first class, math, along with Mike and Sam.

She sat at her casual sit, and waited for everyone, once the teacher entered the class, everyone stopped talking, and the teacher started talking.

"Jane , can you please take your hood of ?" Asked the man, Jane didn't look at him or take her hood off of her head.

"Jane do you hear me ? Take that hood off ! Right now" Jane took it of but didn't look up at him, "and look at me !" Screamed the man

She looked at him, and everyone gasped, looking at her swollen eye, Mike, who was sitting in front of her asked "are you okay ?! Who did this to you."

"No one, don't worry about it" said the girl, the teacher asked everyone to look at him and he continued his lesson.

After an hour, it was the end of the class, so Jane packed her things and got out of class quickly, she walked toward the bathroom and washed her face, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Hey.." said a person entering the bathroom, Jane looked up and saw no one but Sam, with a plaster, she walked toward her and grabbed her face, looking at her eye.

"Are you okay ?" Asked the blonde girl, "yeah I-I'm fine don't worry about it" said the brunette, "if you want to talk, or come to my house or anything, I'm always open okay ?" Said the blonde.

"Thanks" said the brunette, she felt tears falling, so she hugged Sam, Sam hugged back and they stayed in this position, Jane crying on her shoulders.

Sweet Jane - elmaxWhere stories live. Discover now