Chapitre 16

624 11 19

One week later

Today is the last day of our trip, tomorrow we are heading back to Hawkins, I really enjoyed this trip, but i didn't got the time, or let's say I didn't find the best time to ask max to be my girlfriend.

Not that I'm scared of her reaction, I know she's going to say yes since we are barely spending time together alone without our lips touching.

But I want it to be special, I want it to be magic, I want it to be something I will remember for a long time, something that will mark me for the rest of my life.

But I don't know how to make it that special, so I'm going to just, wait for the best time and finally ask her.

Right now, we are in the car with Beverly, max, and will, we are just driving around, visiting California a little since none of us ever been to California except max.

"Hey max do you know any great spot where we can have fun ?" Asked Beverly looking around.

"Yeah there is a great night club, we could maybe eat dinner since it's 9pm and then head to the club ?" Said the ginger.

"Yeah that's awesome, where can ee eat dinner ?" Asked Jane excitedly, "oh we can go to Burger King, so we can save money for the rest of the night" proposed will.

"Yeah good idea, someone call Lucas, Dustin and mike and tell them what the plan, their car is behind us" Jane looked back only to be met with Mike screaming a lyrics in the car while Dustin tried to shut him down.

Will called the boys, telling them the plan, while Jane was admiring the city, and max was just admiring her, her sharp jawline, her beautiful dark eyes, her perfect nose, her cheeks ect..

Jane looked at max, seeing the girl admiring her, making the brunette blush and the ginger smile, Jane put her hand on max's thigh, sending butterflies in her stomach.

The group stopped at the fast food, entering and sitting all together, the waiter came to them and asked them for their order, and then he walked away, leaving the group alone.

"Sooo, y'all planned to go to the club huh ?" Smirked Lucas, Mike looked at will, smilling at the him making him blush, it was well know that will had a crush on mike, abvious for everyone except mike, who was totally blind(like max after season 4🤭)

"Yeah it's going to be awesome" said Beverly, taking a quick glance at max's hand who was resting on Jane's thigh.

Beverly smirked to herself before listenning to the conversation, "looks like we are having fun this night !" Smirked Lucas.

"Oh yeah !"added dustin, "you two are gross" said max, "says the one who's been eating Jane's mouth for the past two w-" started Dustin but he was cut of by the waiter coming back with their plates.

"Thank you" thanked him Jane softly, taking a glance at the red head who was a blushing mess at the moment.

The group started to eat, they talked about everything and anything, smiling, laughing, and trying to keep a conversation without max and mike arguing since the two of them didn't support the presence of the other.

After their meal, the group got out of the fast food, walking toward the cars, "where's this club ?" Asked Mike who was driving, "just follow me from behind" said Beverly, she got in the car and started it, before driving off to the club.

Once they arrived, the group got out of the car, and they entered it, the group looked around, all the people getting drunk, dancing and grinding on each others.

Jane glanced at the red head beside her, max looked up at her smiling, a blonde woman who seemed to be 20 passed beside the group, she caressed Jane's cheek and muscular shoulder and smirked at her with wink before walking off.

Max grasped Jane's arm and started to walk toward the bar, "looks like I have to protect what's mine tonight" said the redhead speed walking to the bar, she was wearing a black tight short dress, since she was planning to propose to go to the club.

Jane was wearing a basic blue pants and a oversized white t-shirt with her signature jacket.

The two walked to the bar and max asked for two shots of vodka, they drank it, making crazy faces as the discussing substance burnt her throat.

Max grabbed Jane's arm, bringing her to the dance floor, while a really sensual song could be heard, the crowd around them, all the people dancing.

Max turned her back to Jane, starting to sway along the music, moving her hips to the rhythm.

Jane just stood there, she didn't know what she was supposed to do, was she supposed to dance with her, or just dance the same as her.

Jane felt two hands grabbing hers, max placed those big, slim and cold hands on her hips, and she started to move her hips again.

She got closer to Jane, dancing on her, practically twerking on her, Jane felt herself getting hot, the sexual tension between them growing stronger by the time.

The pair continued to dance, closer and closer, feeling so good, the music changed to a electro one.

The two stopped dancing, heading to the bar again, Jane asked for a beer and max too, the two smiling at each other, not forgetting what happened between them twenty secondes ago.

"So, uh what are we gonna do now ?" Asked Jane, waiting to know what was going to happen next.

"Ugh actually, there is something cool with this club, there is a, really great place in here, it's called the mini dance, ugh you know it's like two people can go in it, and.. okay it's basically a lap dance spot" rumbled the ginger.

"Do you wanna... let's say visite it ?" Asked the girl, Jane looked at her clueless, she let out a small chuckle and then said "sure"

The two girl walked, max leading the way while Jane was checking her out, the dress fit her perfectly, her hair bouncing while she walked, her hips swaying while she walked.

Once they arrived, they entered it, seeing it was empty, they were alone, there was one iPad where you could choose the music.

Max grabbed Jane's hand, and she walked toward a chair, she sat Jane in it, and told her not to move, she walked toward the iPad , and she choose a song.

The song started, max making her way toward the brunette, walking elegantly...

HAHA GOT YOU, you'll see this Scene next chapitre, Ik I'm cruel

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