Chapitre 5

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After getting home, Jane just did her homework and showered, she then sat beside her little cat to watch tv.

She named her cat felix, he was grey, he had blue eyes and he was the sweetest cat ever, he was always hugging Jane.

And Jane loved him, if anything happened to him she would literally die, so she hugged him and started thinking about max again, she couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful red head.

Jane heard the door open and turned toward it, seeing her dad walking in, he seemed happy, so she got up and walked toward him.

He hugged her , and kissed her forehead, "you seem happy today"remarked Jane, "yeah today was a beautiful day, we arrested the suspect we were searching for, and now work isn't going to be stressful anymore." Said the man.

"Cool" replied the brunette, "what about you ? How was your day my daughter ?" Asked the dad looking at his daughter smilling.

"Well... it was an average day, I just studied and then I walked for a moment that's all" said the girl, "do you want to eat anything ? " asked the man.

"Nah im good thank you" Jane walked toward her room and sat on her bed, grabbing her phone and going on social media, she saw some pictures of her friends, and think she had to catch up with them.

The girl was looking at her phone when she got a call from Beverly, "hey girl" said the ginger, "how are you ?"asked the brunette.

"I'm good thanks for asking, uh I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me and Sam" said the ginger over the phone.

"I.. don't really know" replied the girl, "come on we are going to have some fun !" Said the ginger, she really wanted Jane to come.

"Uh okay, come pick me up ?" Said the brunette, "for sure I'm not letting you walk or ride your bike" said the ginger "get ready, I'm coming to pick you in 30 minutes, see ya" said the ginger, she then hung up.

Jane got out of her room, walking toward her dad, "uh hey dad Um, bev asked me if I wanted to go to a party with her, so I wanted to ask you if you were okay with it..?"

"Uh yeah sure ! Go have fun" said the man smilling while preparing something to eat for him, "thanks dad, I'll be back at 23" said the girl before going back to her room.

Jane grabbed grabbed an oversized blue Jean, and a white shirt with her lakers jacket and her Jordan's, she then heard Beverly's car so she quickly perfumed herself before walking out.

She hoped in her bestfriend car and the two drove toward sam's house, the blonde walked out with blue tight dress, she was stunning.

Jane couldn't help but look at her "like what you see ?" Asked Beverly looking a little "shut up"said the brunette.

Sam hoped in the car "hey how are you guys doing ?" She asked, "I'm good" replied the ginger, she started the car and drove toward the house where the party was.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking" said the brunette smiling before turning around facing the road.

Once the three girls arrived there, they walked in, a lot of people were here, teenagers making out, drinking, sniffing some elicit substance.

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