Chapitre 15

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Once they arrived the spot, everyone got out of the two cars, and started to building the tents.

It was night now, the group was chilling eating dinner while laughing, Jane was sitting across from max, looking at her feeling sorry.

While the group wasn't paying attention, Jane got closer to the ginger and whispered "can we talk ? Please"

"Fuck off" is the only thing the ginger said, Jane put her hand on max's thigh, but this only made max angrier.

The ginger got up "I said fuck off !" Screamed the ginger, the girl started to walk toward the forest.

"She's going to get lost !" Said the brunette, she got up as well and followed her, "anyone knows what's happening?" Asked Dustin.

"Relationship problems" said Beverly, the boys started to ask her question about the two of them.

"Max !" Screamed the brunette searching the girl, "max ! Where are you !" She screamed.

Jane walked, searching for the fiery red head, trying her best to keep her calm since it was night.

The girl walked, and then she spotted a pair of vans, she knew it was max, she walked up to her.

"You scared me I though I would never find you !" Said the brunette, "I said fuck off ! Leave me alone !"

"Max let me explain" tried the brunette only to be pushed aside, the red head walked the opposite of her, but the brunette grabbed her arm.

"Leave me alone ! You played with me ! I was dumb, we kissed, it meant everything to me but nothing to you !" Said the ginger.

"Max. I love you ! I'm so in love with you ! I was so stressed, that's why I kept my mouth shut, I've always been in love with you, ever since 4th grade, i was always attracted to you ! Even if you were my bully I loved you ! The way you laugh, your smile, your eyes, you are the prettiest girl I've ever seen and I'm not going to let you leave me like this because I'm so scared of the dark I probably had 3 panic attacks while trying to find you so no we are going to get back to the spot with each others, I just want you to be mine I just want you and I-" said the brunette out of breath, but she got interrupted by the red head soft lips, in a passionate lovely kiss.

It was the only thing the two girls could dream about, Jane had just admitted her love for the ginger And they were now kissing.

Max grabbed Jane's neck, deepening the kiss, while the brunette's hand rested on max's waist, gripping her tightly not letting her go.

Out of breath, the two girls stoped kissing, looking at each other eyes, a smile appeared across their faces.

"So you are in love with me huh ?" Teased max, Jane rolled her eyes and laughed before saying "shut up, and let's get back"

The two girls started to walk toward the spot, hand in hand, a comfortable silence between the two while they walked.

Max grabbbed the brunette's hand, and smiled softly, the two girls made eyes contact, and blushed at the same time.

Max and Jane found the spot, where the others were supposed to be, but they didn't find them, they hear Beverly screaming at Lucas in the tent and Dustin laughing.

Sweet Jane - elmaxWhere stories live. Discover now