Chapitre 3

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Beverly and Jane were currently in bev bedroom, talking and laughing at stupid things, while eating candy's and chips.

"Why do max hate me ? And bully me ?" Asked the brunette, the red head knew why, but didn't want to out max.

"I don't know" replied the ginger, " and what did you say to her in the changing room, she blushed so hard she looked like a tomato" said Jane laughing a little.

"I.. said something." Replied the ginger laughing with her friend, the brunette looked at her before looking at the ceiling.

"And why does she care if I get hurt, and why did she seemed furious when I was hugging Sam, this girl is so weird" said Jane.

"I know, look here what you're going to do, try and make her nervous, like try to be flirty while she's being rude, you're going to make her nervous, and um be touchy maybe" said the ginger.

"What ?!?" Said the brunette out of shock, "yeah if you make her nervous she's maybe going to stop annoying you, and isn't it so funny to make her look like a tomato ?" Asked the blue eyed girl laughing.

"I have to admit it, it's pretty funny, but I'm not going to do that, no way!" Replied the brown eyed girl getting up on her elbows.

"Come on ! Try for just tomorrow and if it doesn't work stop it !" Negotiate the ginger, laughing a little.

"Okay.. I'll try" said the brunette laughing, "great ! It's going to be so funny plus you're taller than her it's going to be easy for you to tease her" laughed the ginger.

"Yeah" giggled the brunette, the two bestfriend continued to laugh and talk and eat the rest of the night before falling asleep.

The next day, Jane woke up because Beverly throw a glass of water on her, "what the fuck !" Screamed Jane getting up and growing her shirt on the floor.

"You wouldn't wake up if I didn't do that !" Screamed the ginger back, the brunette grabbed another shirt and put it on.

"Come on get dressed, we are going to be late, and remember the plan" said the ginger getting out of the room.

Jane got ready, and eat her breakfast with her ginger friend before getting out oh the house and getting in Beverly's car and driving to high school.

Once they arrived, they got out of the car and walked , "remember, make her nervous, bye Jane !" Said the ginger and she started to walk toward her locker.

Jane opened hers and grabbed some books from it before going to her first class, French, she loved and hated that class, why ? Because first of all, she speak French really well, and second of all, she was sitting next to Maxine.

She entered her class, and sat at her seat, and then the student started to enter the class, and max too, max sat next to her and looked at her before looking at the teacher.

"Jane ! Peut tu lire ce texte s'il te plaît ?" Asked the teacher, Jane looked at her, before starting to read the text.

Max was totally in love with janes voice, she loved her voice, Jane finished reading, and they continued to learn.

After the first class, Jane had mathematics, but first she was going to go to the bathroom, she entered it and washed her face, and her hands, she then heard the door opening and closing, and she knew who it was.

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