Chapitre 10

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The next day, max woke up at 7 and looked at her phone, she had to get ready, so she got up from her bed and entered the bathroom, washing her face..etc

She then entered her room, and put some jeans with a crop top, and she grabbed Jane's jacket and wore it, looking at herself in the mirror.

She smiled at herself and got out of her room, she ate something from the kitchen and the she started to walk toward school.

She entered the building, and headed toward her locker, passing in front of Jane who was talking with Sam, the blonde was still wearing her jacket and she was laughing touching Jane's shoulder.

Jane seemed uncomfortable because of this, and max was furious, so instead of walking to her locker, she walked to Beverly's with one.

"Okay I'm going with you guys" said the ginger coldly, "oh you changed mind quickly" said Beverly laughing.

"Yeah seeing that slut doing her little acting is making me upset and I'm not letting her win this fucking shit so help me dumbass" said max

"Well well, for sure I'm helping you" said the ginger "meet me in the toilet at 12" she said before walking away, leaving max thinking.

The girl walked toward her locker before grabbing her books and walking to class, she entered her class and sat next kiara.

"Hey" said the ginger, "max, how are you doing ?"asked the blonde, "I'm fine, thanks for asking" said the ginger.

"Welcome" responded the blonde "I'm going on a trip with Jane this summer"added the ginger, "wait for real ?"asked kiara.

"Yeah, Beverly said she wanted me to date her and that she wanted me to go to the trip with them" added the girl.

"That's so cool ! You're going to win your princess !" Giggled the blonde "shut up" laughed the ginger.

After class, max entered the bathroom, seeing Beverly waiting for her "sooo, what's the plan ?" Asked max.

"Well, first of all, I have to warn you, in fact sam isn't just helping Jane making you jealous, she's trying to like make her fall for her and she make her think she's just helping her, while she takes advantage of her, I know she's going to try and kiss her sometime, Sam isn't the sweet girl everyone think she is." Said the ginger.

"What do you mean by not the sweet girl everyone think she is ?" Asked the girl, "this girl is psychopath, she got expelled from her old high school, and when I met her I wanted to know why, but she wouldn't tell me, so I had to search why, and uh, what I discovered wasn't what I thought I was going to find out." Said Beverly.

"What... did you find out ?" Asked the ginger fearing the answer "I found out, three days ago, that Sam got expelled from her high school, because she uh, raped a girl because that girl didn't want to date her, in the toilet, and she caused her a head trauma after hitting her head on a sink, the girl fell into a coma for 2 weeks"

"What the fuck" said the ginger, "yeah I know she looks so innocent" said the girl, " I want her away from Jane, now." Max left the bathroom, going to the cafeteria.

"Wait where are you going !" Beverly started to run toward max, the two girl made their way to the cafeteria.

When the girls entered the cafeteria, they looked around and spotted Jane and Sam laughing while Sam was feeding Jane smilling.

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