Chapitre 9

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After class, Jane got home, and decided to go for a walk, it was a fresh night so she grabbed another jacket cause Sam was still wearing hers.

She then got out of the house and started to walk, thinking about this summer, she had to muscle her body if she wanted to be in the football team next year.

Not that she was week, not at all, but she was a little bit too skinny, so she had to go to gym, and train, she was going to more performant, and maybe accepted in the team.

Jane arrived at her special place, it was empty all the time, and no one knew about this place, that's what Jane was thinking, but she didn't know that a certain red head was heading toward this place too.

Jane looked at the dark sky, with stars all over it, it was beautiful, Jane always loved the sky, even more when it was night, it made her happy.

But then the brunette heard some noise coming toward her, so she jumped defensively, until she met a red head.

"Okay are you stalking me or something ?" Asked the brunette toward max pushing her by her shoulder a little.

"What ? No Why would I ?" Asked the red head pushing Jane back, "this place is a secret no one no about it !"

"Oh your deef I think, this place is super popular, it's called stars date, people come her for dates at night it's super popular you asshole" explained the ginger.

"Well, now I'm here and I want to be alone, so leave" said the brunette, "huh, girl I'm here if I want to I'm not going to leave, just shut up"

The red head sat and started to look at the stars, the lake, all of that was beautiful, and Jane had no choice but sit beside her.

The two girl kept on watching the sky enjoying the silence, until Jane spoke "I really like the sky"

"What ?" Asked max, she didn't even bother on hearing her, " I said I liked the sky, with the stars and all"

"Uh yeah" said max "I really like it too, it's like uh an obsession" explained the red head, "yeah, for once the two of us get along" giggled the brunette.

"Yeah well don't hope to much" said the red head blushing and giggling a little, "I won't ginger" laughed the brunette looking at the red head.

Max turned her head toward Jane smiling, the two girls looked at each other, and Jane's eyes looked at max's lips, and the red head did the same.

But then max started to get cold so she turned around and rubbed her arms "shit I'm freezing"

"Here you can have my jacket" said Jane, the girl took off her jacket and handed it to max who grabbed it and put it on.

The girls looked at each other smiling before looking at the sky again, this time not paying attention to each other.

After fifteen minutes Jane looked at her watch and got up "I have to go home, my dad will surely be upset".

"Yeah me too, here your-" started the red head before getting cut by Jane, "nah you can wear it, I'm not cold" said the brunette walking away.

Max found herself smiling, Jane just gave her her jacket, with her perfume all over it, it was just like a dream.

And she could wear the jacket in front of everyone in high school tomorrow, so Sam will know she had a competition, the red head didn't know she was the only one competing for Jane's heart.

Sweet Jane - elmaxWhere stories live. Discover now