Chapitre 14

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The next day, Jane woke up peacefully, still shocked from what happened last night, she and max mayfield kissed for the first time, and she was planning on asking her to be her girlfriend.

The brunette looked behind her, finding the red head sleeping, max's arms were around Jane's biceps, not letting go of it.

The brunette kept on watching the girl, but got surprised when the tents opened, revelling Lucas.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, good morning" said the dark skinned man, smiling at the girl, looking at how the red head was clingy.

I made breakfast, I mean, I bought it" said the man, "wake her up and come have breakfast with all of us"

The man closed the tent, leaving both girls alone, max still sleeping, Jane turned toward her smiling, before shaking her a little.

"Hey, maxie, you have to wake up, gonna have breakfast with the others" said the brunette.

"Mhm" is the only thing that the ginger said, still sleeping "hey max, wake up ! We have to eat breakfast and then go !"

"Oh shut up !" Whispered yelled the ginger, she put her hands on Jane's chest, pushing her on her back before climbing on top of the girl, straddling her waist, max out her head in the crook of Jane's neck, her hands on the brunette's shoulders.

Jane felt her face hit up, the ginger, the girl Jane loved was currently on top of her, sleeping on her.

Jane couldn't dream of more, it was so cute to see the ginger sleeping in her.

"Max, I'm sorry to break it to you. But we have to wake up and eat before continuing the road" murmured the brunette.

"Just one minute" said the ginger yawning, "no we have to wake up" insisted the brunette.

"Oh my god" said the ginger in a annoyed tone, she opened her eyes, and her blue eyes widened when she saw what position she was in.

The ginger jumped off of Jane, blushing, "sorry I didn't mean to Climb on top of you" said the ginger embarrassed.

"Well it's nothing, I mean l, we kissed yesterday so" smiled the brunette, the two girls held eyes contact.

"About that..." started the ginger, "we can talk about it later, we have to get ready, come on" said the brunette.

The two girls got out of the tent, walking toward their friends who were talking and laughing while eating what Lucas Bring them.

"What took you two so long" asked the dark skinned man smiling at the two, "they were smooching face's"

Dustin and Beverly started to make kisses noise, annoying the rest of the group.

"We we're not kissing, max wanted to sleep a little more" explained the brunette, sitting next to Beverly.

Max sat beside will, grabbing something from the table, yes they bring a table, a pliable one.

The teenagers eat their breakfast, still smiling, laughing, talking, they were so happy to spend this summer trip together for two weeks.

After breakfast, everyone got ready and put the tents in the trunk of Beverly's car, then the boys grabbed the pliable table and put it in dustin's car.

"Ready ?" Asked mike, everyone nodded, today, Jane and mike were the one's to drive.

Everyone got in the two cars, Beverly sat at the back, while max sat in the passenger sit, looking at Jane's profil while the brunette was driving.

Max smiled softly as she remembered the feeling of the brunette lips on hers, the best feeling she ever felt in her life.

Beverly, at the back, was scrolling on her phone, sometimes glancing at the two love birds in front of her.

After a while, everyone stoped at a service station, to put some gasoline, and to go to the bathroom and buy snacks.

Mike and will weren't going to go to the bathroom, so they entered the grocery store, and Dustin and Lucas walked toward the men's bathroom.

Beverly, Jane and max were going to the bathroom too, but they weren't going to leave the cars, so Jane walked to the bathroom first, then max and then Beverly.

Bev leaved the girls alone, letting them in an uncomfortable silence, Jane looked at her feet, not waiting to say anything, but the redhead wanted to talk.

"So are going to talk about it ?" Asked the ginger, Jane looked at max directly in the eyes.

But the brunette was too shy to say anything, "okay well did this kiss mean anything to you ?"

Jane blushed, the brunette opened her mouth, but nothing came out of it, Beverly walked toward them smiling.

"I see" said max, Jane just fucked up everything by not saying anything, but she was too shy to say anything in front of bev.

"What going on lovebirds ?"asked Beverly smirking and winking at the two, "nothing, and we are not fucking love birds"

"Uh, you sure you okay ?" Asked the ginger toward the other one, "yeah, everything is fine" said the ginger.

She grabbed her headphones and put them in her ears, and she started to listen to music, she couldnt hear what the girls were saying.

"What the fuck did you do this time Jane" whispered yelled Beverly at the brunette, "that's the thing, I didn't do anything, yesterday we kissed and she asked me if it meant anything to me, and I was so anxious and stressed that I couldn't answer !"

"Oh shit no why !" Yelled the ginger, she grabbed her face in her hands, and kept them like this.

"Okay here is what you are going to do" Beverly turned toward Jane "you are going to apologise and say that this kiss meant everything to you, that you are in love with her, and that she's the only one, got it ? And there is no «I'm too shy» fuck no ! No !"

"Uh I guess I don't have a choice" said the brunette, "yeah you don't have any fucking choice you do what I say."

The boy got back, and handed the girls some snacks, before they started to ride to the next spot where they were going to spend the night.

It was close to a forest, a vaste one, the first was so big and the trees were like wow, that's what people say.

The car ride was silent, no one talked, Beverly kept glancing at the two, trying to find a way to make them talk to each other.

But when she tried, max would always avoid the conversation, and that made her pretty upset.

She was going to let Jane do everything by herself, I mean, Beverly tried but it didn't work, the only person that could've made it work.

Is Jane, and Jane hopper only, she was the only one that could solve the problem with max.

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