Chapitre 6

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The rest of the party was going well, nothing really bad happened, just for max who saw Jane making out with two girls, drinking and then going out with Sam.

Sam and Jane got out for a walk, it was silent, not an awkward one, the two girls just walked in silence, enjoying it.

Then they sat at a bank, and glanced at each other, "can I ask you something ?" Said the blonde, the brunette looked at her "go ahead"

"Is there.. something between you and max ? I mean how do you feel about her" asked the blonde looking at the brunette.

Jane sighted "well, I don't really know, max asked me to dance with her, but then she just snapped at me, she bully me but she care about me being hurt or not, and I.. don't know, like I feel butterflies in my stomach when we are close, I don't know am I supposed to feel that for the person who has been bullying me for the past 3 years ? Is that logical to you ?"

"Jane.. look I think you are falling for max, and it's totally okay, I mean look at her, she gorgeous, and uh maybe it isn't that bad, I mean she abviously like you too" said the blonde.

"Like me too ?!?! No fucking way she hates me, she even slapped me, punched me, made me fall to the ground, I don't know if you like someone you're not supposed to do that" said the brunette.

"No she is only doing that to make you think you hate her, while she's falling for you, I even saw her hit a girl because she was looking at you" said Sam.

"I dont know, what do you think I'm supposed to do ?!" Asked the brunette, "okay look, to make sure she doesn't hate you and she actually falling head over heels for you, let's make her jealous for this week, since this week is the last one before summer break, and if we are sure, we can make a plan this summer and make her say it to your face and then you can just date her ?" Said the blonde

"I don't know, I mean yeah we can try, but how ?" Asked the brunette looking at the sky, it started to rain.

"Um I have an idea for tonight and then We can Just like flirt in front of her or I don't know" replied sam.

"Yeah, what's your idea ?" Asked Jane turning her head toward the blue eyed girl, "look, since it raining we can walk and then you can pass me your jacket, and we can walk in laughing"

"Yeah that's a good idea" said Jane getting up from her seat, Sam got up as well and the two started to walk toward the house again, Jane grabbed her jacket and passed it to the blonde who took it smiling.

Once they got there they entered laughing with wet hair, Sam got closer to Jane and hugged her, max looked at the two, she was mad, not at Jane or Sam, but at Herself, maybe if she didn't snap at her it would be her, wearing her jacket, laughing and hugging her.

The two walked toward the kitchen grabbing some vodka and pouring it in their glasses, the two sat on the couch real close and started to talk.

Max couldn't stop looking at them, and she couldn't stop herself, so she got closer to them and sat next to them, grabbing jane's shoulder.

"What are you two talking about ?" Said the red head sarcastically, looking at them with the expression she used to make people fear her.

"Nothing that could interest you"said the blonde putting her hand on jane's thigh, "oh it interest me" said the ginger.

"Well we were talking about something that doesn't concern you I guess" said Sam getting closer to Jane, the brunette felt so embarrassed by this situation.

"Well I want to spend sometime with this girl right here so can you.. back off maybe ?" Asked the ginger, "well are you blind or something, I'm spending time with Jane and you're just ruining every fucking little thing by just sitting here, you can spend time with everyone here, and you just want to fucking annoy us , so go and spend time with some of your fucking friends !" Said the blonde getting angry.

The ginger got upset and sat up, grabbing the blonde by her shirt, "what did you just say you dumb fucking bitch ? Can you repeat that ?"

"max leave us alone." Said the brunette getting up, "oh you're protecting your girlfriend ! What a sweetheart!" Said the ginger sarcastically.

"Max. Leave us the fuck alone !" Said the brunette getting angry, she clenched her jaw and grabbed the blonde by her waist before walking off.

The two girls walked out to the garden and sat near the pool, "look she was totally jealous !" Said the blonde.

"Yeah I mean, she snapped at me and then wanted to spend time with me, I don't know why she act like that ! And I mean, maybe she just hate me so much that she want me to be alone, I mean whe I'm alone I'm more vunerable , it would be easy for her to bully me"

"Jane ! She likes you !" Said the blonde "maybe not !" Replied the brunette, "she totally do !" Said Sam back.

"I just explained to you why she doesnt like me !" Said the brunette laughing, she then got up and was going to walk off l, but someone pushed her in the pool.

Everyone around was laughing like crazy, Jane looked at the person that pushed her and it was no one but Beverly.

"What is it too cold ?" Asked the ginger, "yeah I'm freezing !" Said the brunette sarcastically, bev held her hand out for Jane to grab it and go out of the pool.

Jane grabbed her hand and pushed her toward her so she fell in the pool, everyone was laughing around them, and then everyone started to jump in the pool.

Jane quickly got out, she was freezing, Sam grabbed a towel for her and wrapped it around her, and smiled softly at her, max looked at them, she was wondering if something was happening between the two.

The red head also felt guilty for pushing Jane away, and talking to her like that, but she guessed Jane was used to it.

Beverly got out of the pool as well, and got closer to the brunette, "how was the pool ?" Asked Jane sarcastically.

"Oh it was great" replied the ginger, the two best friends laughed before walking in the house, getting ready to leave.

The trio got out of the house and hoped in the car, and Beverly started to drive, "sooo can I know, what was that in the house, I mean the little argument with max"

"Look I think max is in love Jane, she gets jealous easily, and plus, why does a bully ask the person they bully to slow dance !" Said the blonde.

"I mean yeah, that is a little suspicious" replied the ginger, "and you Jane ? How do you feel about her ?" Asked the red head.

"Well... I'm confused, I mean, she has been bullying me since I entered high school, and uh when I am close to her physically, I feel butterflies.. in my stomach, and uh, I don't know.." answered the girl looking out the window.

"Yeah you are totally falling for her." Said the ginger laughing with the blonde, Jane turned red while her friends were laughing at her.

Once they leaved Sam at her place, Beverly started to drive toward jane's and once they got there, the girl got out of the car and said good bye, wallked in the house, her dad was asleep on the couch.

She looked at him, smiled and then headed to her room, she changed her clothes and fell asleep as fast as she fell for max..

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