Chapitre 4

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After school max was home alone, her brother had surely a date, her mom and step dad at work, so she was alone, thinking about how Jane acted weird today.

But hen it clicked in her head, Jane was teasing her ! Abvious, so what was max going to do ? Of course she was going to try and make her nervous in return.

So max kept thinking about how she was going to tease the tall pretty brunette the next day, making some plans on how she was going to meet her.

And then she just fell asleep, she was so tired after this long day of trying to bully the brunette that owned her heart.

The next day, max woke up, and got ready for school, and the first thing that she was going to do was meet Jane at her locker.

After arriving to school, max walked in, and opened her locker, getting some books out, and then she just walked toward Jane.

"Oh look who's there !" Said the ginger sarcastically, "how are you my lady ?"asked the brunette smirking, max smiled in return before saying "better then you piece of shit"

And then she just walked away, but it wasn't the end of the tease for the day, the girl entered class,
And sat at her casual sit listening to the teacher.

After this class, max had sport, so she walked toward the changing room, and started to strip off her clothes, but she didn't know that the brunette was observing her.

Jane walked toward max, and pushed her on the locker, the red head was in a bra and short, looking up at the brunette.

"What you doing huh ?" Asked the brunette smirking slightly, "nothing that could interest you" replied the blue eyed girl.

"I mean, they interest me you know" said the brunette looking down at max's breast before walking out off the changing room.

Jane felt her heart speeding, she never felt this way toward a person, why did max made her nervous ? Why did she felt like she was going to explose when she tried to flirt with the red head to make her nervous like Beverly told her ?

That got max attention, making her smile, and then she just continued to change her clothes, and got out of the changing room, finding her friends.

Max looked at Jane, the girl was talking to Sam and smiling, the ginger found herself turning red from jealousy when she saw Jane's hand on sam's thigh.

Then the coach called them all, and they started to run around the court, after this they just played basketball.

After this class, everyone headed toward the changing room, but max walked toward Sam and sat next to her.

"What do you want mayfield ?" Asked the blonde looking at the red head who was furious.

"Look, don't ever approach Jane again, don't flirt with her , don't try anything with her, or I'll make your life hell" said the red head.

"Why ? You bully her and you hate her, I mean why does me spending time with her annoy you so much !" Asked the blonde.

"You don't have to know ! Just stay away from her rat !" Screamed the red head before walking off toward the changing room.

The red head changed her clothes and walked out, she didn't want to go to her next class, so she got out of school, and headed out to the skate park to clear her head.

Making Jane nervous wasn't easy as it seems, she was nervous just by her presence, and what the red head didn't know was that the brunette was nervous because of her presence too.

While max was at the skate park, Jane skipped class too, she was in her room reading comic and listening to music.

She was reading a black widow comic, but she couldn't help but feel bored, so she decided to go for a walk.

She walked out of the house, and started to think, she never felt this way toward a girl, I mean, Jane knew she was a lesbian, but why did she felt this toward max, her bully.

Maybe because the red head was a goddess, she had soft skin, soft lips, blue eyes, fat hips, she was totally perfect, but she was rude with Jane.

So why did the brunette felt nervous when she was around max, why did she felt butterflies in her stomach when she touched max, even by accident.

Jane was totally confused about her feelings toward her, was is just because the ginger was a total goddess ? Or was the brunette falling for her ? Or is it because she was fearing max ?

The brunette knew it wasn't because she was fearing the red head, but she didn't know why she felt this way.

Jane continued to walk, and she found herself in the skate park of Hawkins, she saw a red head skating and she recognized her.

It was max, Jane knew it, so she just continued to walk ignoring the red head, max saw her too, but she didn't know if she was going to try something or not.

When Jane passed by max, the red head approached her, "why are you here ? Missed me." Asked the ginger toward the tall brown eyed girl.

"Uh I, I am just her for a walk " said the brunette, she tried to walk past max but the ginger stoped her, "no ! Don't leave already , we didn't have fun !" Said the ginger smirking.

"What kind of fun are you planning on gorgeous ?" Said Jane, the brunette was feeling so nervous, but she tried to hide it as much as she could.

"Uh, i- I don't know" said the red head, max was looking like a tomato and Jane loved it, "and stop calling me nicknames you fucking dickhead !" Yelled max.

"You didn't like it ?" Asked Jane out of non where, Jane was no as much nervous as max " I think.. I have to go bye" said Jane, the girl tried to walk away but max pushed her leg and the brunette fall on the ground.

" oh are you hurt ? You need something ?" Said the red head sarcastically, now Jane was furious, " actually yeah" replied the brunette.

Jane got up off the ground and walked toward max, she was so close to her that she could see her freckles.

"Uh- what are you talking about go away you asshole !" Said the ginger pushing Jane, Jane grabbed maxs hand and pushed her toward her.

Their bodies Were so close to each other, Jane looked at max while the red head was a blushing mess, Jane smirked and came closer to her face.

"What. You're nervous ?" Asked the brunette, max was a total blushing mess so she quickly looked away, she pushed Jane off of her and just grabbed her skate board walking away, the brunette smirked to herself, proud of her self for being so confident.

The ginger, wasn't that much proud of herself, she felt stupid for being so nervous when it comes to Jane, she couldn't even stand up to her when she had that beautiful smirk on her face and when she was nervous.

"You're so stupid max" said the ginger to herself before hoping on her skate and riding toward her house.

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