Chapitre 17

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Jane was on the way back home, looking through the window at the view, while Beverly was driving.

Max was in the back on the car, looking at her phone, scrolling through instagram or something.

Jane just listened to the music, remembering what happened last night. How max danced, how she moved her perfect curved body to the song, while looking sensually at Jane.

Max walked elegantly toward Jane, swaying her hips, she was now close to the girl, she sat in her lap, placing her hands on the brunettes muscular shoulders.

The ginger smirked at Jane, and then she started to move her hips to the beat, grinding on Jane, making her more horny and craving for the girl.

Jane didn't know where to place her hands, or where to look, she felt embarrassed because she was new to that stuff, while max was clearly experienced...

Jane's eyes made their way to the blue eyed girl exposed breast, max still moving her hips, she placed her hand on the brunette chin, making her look at her.

"Eyes up here love" she said, looking at Jane's lips, she then got up and turned around, placing her hands on Jane's thigh for support, she moved her hips up and down, her ass on Jane's lower region..

At the end of the song, max bend down, leaving Jane with the most sexy view in front of her, and let's say Jane enjoyed this.

When the show ended, the two girls just looked at each other, the red head smirking while the other was a blushing mess.

"Come on sweetheart they are probably searching for us" said the ginger leaving the room, Jane walked after the girl, like a lost puppy.

Arrived to a certain table, Jane sat first, looking at Beverly and the others, while max was getting a drink.

"Where were you ?" Asked Lucas, "oh uh.. I was just in the bath room" answered Jane looking around.

"And what took you so long ? We're you taking a massive shit or something?"asked Dustin making the others laugh.

"Actually-" tried Jane but she got interrupted by a feminine voice behind her.

"Hi" said a strange girl, she was talking to Jane for a certain reason, "uh hi ?" Said the brunette confused.

"I'm Ella" said the girl looking at Jane with a smile "I'm Jane" answered the girl.

"Nice to meet you, I'm well I saw you and I though you were beautiful so I wanted to know of you wanted to dance with me ?" Asked Ella.

"Uh well-" started Jane, but got interrupted by a hot red head sitting on her lap, "she's quiet taken so back off"

"Oh sorry I didn't know" said the girl walking away, max looked at her with a dirty look before looking back at the group.

"Taken ?" Asked Mike looking between the two, "uh no not like that, Jane was abviously uncomfortable and I just wanted to help" said the ginger.

"Yeah sure" said will smiling and looking away, Beverly gave the girls a glance while the three other boys were just talking.

Sweet Jane - elmaxWhere stories live. Discover now