Chapitre 8

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After the movie, Jane headed home, she walked in her room and started to do her homework while listening to everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears.

She then got out of her room and headed toward the bathroom to shower, she got dressed and walked toward the kitchen, she prepared some pasta, eat them and left some for her father.

She entered her room again, and sat on her bed with her phone, she scrolled through social media, and then she grabbed one of her books and read it till she fall asleep.

The next day, Jane woke up, she had school, just a week and she was on vacation, she got up from her bed and entered the bathroom.

She washed her face and all the things that you do in the bathroom, and then she entered her room and wore a blue t-shirt and a blue Jean, with vans.

She then walked out of the room, and headed to the kitchen, where she found some pancakes, with a note beside them .

She grabbed it, and read it with a smile «that's for your breakfast, have a good day -your dad» Jane was really satisfied , her dad stopped drinking and being violent, It was a real progress.

Jane eat the pancake, and then grabbed her bag and walked out of her house, she hoped on her bike and started to ride toward high school.

Once here, she walked in, and headed to her locker, she opened it and grabbed some books form it before heading to class.

"hey"  said the blonde that started to walk beside her, "hello, I see your still wearing my jacket" laughed the brunette.

"Yeah, it will make your woman even more jealous, plus, it's confortable" giggled the blonde looking at Jane, the two walked in class and sat together, it was physique class, and max was here too, she sat beside the two since the table was for three person.

"Why are you wearing Jane's jacket" asked the ginger with a blank face, "none of your business" answered sam.

The teacher entered and started to talk to the student, and then they started their work all together.

After 30 minutes of working Jane felt a hand on her thigh, she turned to Sam, but it wasn't her, she then turned to max and saw her smirking, the redhead then got closer to the brunette and whispered "don't flirt with that slut ever again, do you fucking understand what am saying or do you need a punishment ?"

« I think you should mind your business maxie » answered the brunette smirking, the red head blushed at the nickname but kept her hand on Jane's thigh.

"Can you, put your hand away ?" Asked the brunette politely, "why ? You don't like it there ?" Said the red head, moving her hand close to Jane's area

"Max.. your hand away please" said the brunette, the red head continued and then Jane grabbed max's hand and got closer to her face.

"When I say to you that I don't want you to touch me, you should listen, cause this is considered like sexual assault, and look at me, I'm stronger then you, if I want to hurt you, I will." Jane let out max's hand from her grip and sat up and walked out of class when the bell rang.

She walked toward the gymnasium, and entered the changing room, grabbing her sport outfit and putting it on.

She then walked out of the changing room and walked toward Beverly, "hey" greeted the brunette, "hi, can I ask you something ?"

Sweet Jane - elmaxWhere stories live. Discover now