Chapitre 12

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Jane entered the park, looking around to try and find the red head, she continued to walk looking at her right then at her left.

When she spotted the red head sitting at a spot on her phone, probably waiting for her.

So she approached the girl and sat next to her, "your date finally arrived" said the girl in a flirty tone.

"Date ?"asked the red head smirking, "uh, yeah I mean no, I mean yeah, I mean if you want it to be a date it can be but if you want it to be a friendly hang out I'm okay with it as well-"
"Shut up, let's go to our date come on" max got up from her sit with Jane and the two girls started to walk toward the coffee shop.

Max's hand brushed against Jane's one, but none of the girl grabbed the others hand, too shy for that.

The duo entered the coffee shop and sat at a table for two, a waiter approached them "hello ladies, how can I help you two today" said the man.

"Well I would like to have a coffee with a donut please" said max, while Jane was still looking for something.

"And you miss ?" Asked the man, Jane looked at him before saying "I would like a macchiato please".

"Well okay" said the man, he walked away, leaving the two girls alone, "I heard you were going to be on the football team next year"

"Well yeah, but the coach says I'm too skinny, and uh I need to go to gym to be like more muscular ? That's what he says" said the girl.

"Well he's a piece of shit, he's body a shaming you" said the red head, "Jane smiled at her softly before saying "so you're the new captain of the cheerleading team ?"

"Yeah since chrissy graduated this year, I have to be the captain" said the ginger proudly.

"That's great for you, I'm hoping that you'll go easy on bev" said the brunette laughing, "don't worry, I'll take care of her"

"Here's for you ladies" said the waiter approaching them, he handed them their order and walked away murmuring a have a good meal.

"So, you asked me what I was going to do this summer, I answered you, but I didn't ask back" started the red head, drinking some of her coffee.

"Well, going to the trip for sure, and uh going to gym to be accepted by the asshole, and going to the lake, maybe hanging out with you, and taking you on more date's if you want too" said the brunette.

"I would love to go on more dates" said max, max leg balanced and touched Jane's one, making the two girls blush, but they didn't move.

The two girls kept on drinking and talking, until the time to pay has, Jane has insisted to pay for the two of them.

They walked off the shop, walking around, "next time I'll pay"said the ginger, "uh your dreams mayfield, I'm not letting a beautiful lady like you pay for me and for herself" said the brunette smiling.

"The red head blushed and smiled, the two kept walking, arriving at the park, they continued to walk c their hands brushed against each other's, and now Jane had enough courage to grab max's hand.

The two girls kept walking, until they landed on a bridge, the two of them looked around, not saying anything.

"I really like spending time with you" said the ginger, "yeah I like it too, it's better than us fighting in school I guess" said the brunette.

"Yeah, we'll I'm sorry about that, doing that to you wasn't the best thing to do, I'll regret it my hole life" said the ginger.

"Don't worry about that, it's nothing, we can stop looking at the past and continuing to live" Jane turned her head toward max, getting closer to her.

"Yeah, you're right" said the ginger, the two girls looked at each others eyes, jane's eyes landing on max's lips, same for max.

The two girls got closer and close by the time that passed, and then.. they turned their heads when they heard some kids passing by them laughing.

"They are in love !" Said one kid running toward his friends, the two little boys continued to laugh and run away from the girls.

"These kids seems to have fun" examined the ginger, "I guess, they said we were going n love" laughed the brunette.

"Yeah they are right for me" murmured the ginger "what ? Did you say something" asked the brunette.

"Uh no no, I didn't say anything, I think we should go home" said the ginger, she started to walk off the bridge the brunette following her.

Jane grabbed max's hand, and walked along with her, "I'll take you home" said the brunette.

"You don't have to" said the ginger, "I want to" smiled Jane, the two girls continued to walk, not letting each other's hand away.

They got closer to max's house, walking around the neighbourhood, she lived in a small but cosy neighbourhood.

When they finally arrived to the red head house, they greeted each other by hugging and saying good bye.

Jane walked away, looking back at max who was no longer out of the house but observing the brunette from the window.

Jane approached her house, Beverly was surely at her own house waiting for Jane to call her to explain to her everything.

The brunette walked in the little house, saying hello to her dad "where were you" asked the man approaching the girl.

"I was out.. with a friend" answered the girl "yeah you mean out with a girl who is not your friend" said the man smirking

Jane eyes widened, looking down "what's her name ?" Asked the man sitting in the kitchen "her name is Maxine, but she prefer max".

"Great, she on your grade ?"asked the man, "well yes, but she's older than me, she had to repeat a year" answered the girl.

"Well, that's great, I hope I'll meet her one day, take her here for a date anytime champion" said the man, proud of his daughter.

"Yeah, thanks dad" Jane greeted her dad, the girl walked in her room and changed in more comfortable clothes.

And then she opened one of her books, and started to read it, but she got lost in her mind for a moment.

Later at the bridge, her and max were going to kiss, but unfortunately the kids ruined it, Jane wasn't mad, she was just a little upset at the kids for ruining the moment.

She was wondering how max's lips felt like, she wanted to know, she wanted to touch the girl, not in a sexual way, well yes but not at the moment.

She wanted to feel max's waist in her hand, she wanted to feel the girls lips on hers, she wanted to grab the girl and hug her.

She wanted to cuddle the ginger, to kiss her every moment in her life, she wanted the red head to be her girl friend.

But little did she know that max was thinking about this at the same time, the two girls wanted each other.

But none of them had the courage, to tell the other, too scared of rejection, even if they knew that the other liked them back.

- sorry for not posting, today was a really hard day for me, I loosed someone who I loved today, someone who always been there for me in a certain way, i was really shocked and I only could write this now, sorry if the chapitre is a little bad :(

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