Chapitre 11

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Today was the last day of school for Jane and her friends, tomorrow, it was summer break, they were going to have so much fun.

So Jane woke up at 7 and got ready for school, she entered the building and opened her locker, she grabbed some books and headed to French.

The girl sat at her seat and waited for the teacher, when a certain redhead entered the room, she sat next to Jane and looked at her smiling.

"Well well well, look who's there" said the brunette sarcastically, "never gonna leave you sitting here alone"

"Yeah I know" said the brunette, the two girl smiled at each other and then Turned their heads back to the front of the class when the teacher entered the class room.

After French class the brunette walked toward history class, the only person that was with her was Beverly so the two girls sat together.

"So uh, you're gonna try to do something on the trip ?"asked the ginger "you mean with max ?"asked the brunette.

"Well yeah who else ?" The two girls looked at each other, and then the brunette said "well yeah I don't really know but I think I'm gonna try something with her".

"Yeah, do you have any idea on what you're going to do ?" The ginger questioned, "well no, but I think I might kiss her if I can"

"Yeah that's awesome you should do that !" Cheered the ginger, they listened to the teacher, and then the class ended, the two walked to the cafeteria, meeting the boys at the entrance.

The group sat on their casual table, and they started to talk and laugh, like they used to, until max approached the group.

"Hey uh, you guys mind if I.. sit here ? I mean with you ?"said the ginger smiling, the group looked at each other, and then turned their heads back toward her.

"Yeah yeah you can sit here" said the brunette, Jane got closer to Beverly, letting max sit next to her, "so uh as we are all going on the same trip, I wanted to know where we are planing to go"

"Uh well, from Hawkins to California, and then we drive back here, it's a 1 week trip so" said Mike looking at his friends.

"Yeah that seems good, and uh how are we going to sleep, I mean live, the all 7 of us" asked the ginger.

"Well we are going to camp, like with 3 tents, like uh we are going to make duo's" said Dustin, the curly haired boy looked at Jane and smirked.

"And I'm making the duos !" Said the curly hearted boy, "okay mike and will, me, Lucas and Beverly, and Jane and max, no negociation please"

"Yeah well I'm ok with that, I just came to ask, by the way, what car we are going to use ?" Asked max again.

"Well dustins car and bev car, like the girls in one and the boys in another one you know" explained Jane.

"Yeah okay, thanks for answering my questions, I have to go so, bev, Lucas and Jane, see you at gym class" the ginger got up from her sit and walked away, brushing past Jane.

"Okay Jane you have to make her your girl during this trip, I made y'all sleep together so you can do it !" Said the curly haired boy.

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