Chapter 18

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Jane's pov :

As we were in the car, I could feel max's hand in mine, I was driving toward the café, while we were listening to the music that was playing in my radio, and the cool breeze was hitting our faces as we were singing.

When we arrived, I quickly got out and opened maxs door, grabbing her hand and helping her out, I noticed some guys looking at maxs legs, so I quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me as we walked.

We entered and choose a table that was close to the window so we could see outside, I pulled Max's chair helping her sit and then sat in front of her.

"What's with you today ? All gentle" she laughed, I could admire her beautiful smile, her freckles and her ocean eyes, she was so beautiful.

"Oh you know, just happy to have such a beautiful women by my side" I flirted as I grabbed her hand.

I saw her blushing but before I could say anything the waitress was here "hi, I hope you're having a great day, what can I get you today ?" She asked.

I looked up at her and answered, "it will be a black coffee for me, no sugar. Along with a cheese cake please." She turned toward max "umh a laté please and some pancakes with cream on top, thank you"

"Alright, I'll have that get ready for you." She said as she walked away.

"So, are you applying to the football team next year ?" Asked max

"Totally ! I applied this year but coach said I needed to work out at least a year to be able to play, I think he meant that I was too skinny and that I needed some muscles" I answered.

"Don't listen to him, you're perfect the way you are, but I won't mind if you get muscles, I think it's sexy" she said.

"Oh yeah? You think it'll look good on me ?" I asked smirking.

"I know it will look good" she started while biting her lips and looking at me with „that" look, "but the thing is, you'll have to wear extra clothes so no girl will check you out, if I see you in school next year with just a sport bra I'll kill you, you and your fanbase." She smiled, okay I think i might wear a sport bra, I like the jealous side.

We continued laughing, then the waitress came with what we ordered, and we talked while enjoying the sweet snacks we asked for, I think this is the best date I've ever had even tho I've had none.

As we finished, max asked to pay and abviously I couldn't let her pay, my father would've killed me, so before she could even grab her money from the bag I already payed and left a tip.

I grabbed max's hand and we headed outside, I decided to take her out to the park so I could finally pop the question.

As we walked hand in hand, enjoying the calming silence, hearing the birds sing, looking at the beautiful sky that the sun enlightened, we stopped on the small brige that was built so we could get throught the little river without getting wet.

We looked at the river, enjoying everything that was happening, we heard kids running to pass on the bridge and we lightly heard one of them say "look ! They look like lovers, just my mommy and daddy" he said before laughing and running off.

Max and I looked at each other before laughing hard, I then grabbed her hand and pulled her toward me, I grabbed her waist and looked into her eyes.

"I need to talk to you about something.." i started seriously.

"Okay you're kinda scaring me.." said max as she laughed nervously.

"Don't worry princess, nothing to worry about" I answered, I heard her say okay and then I finally decided to talk.

"Look max... since we started school, I always wondered why you hated me. Why you were so rude to me, you hurt me many times.. but as soon as you stopped I understood why, you just didn't know how to express your feelings. and I can understand that, I've never been good with feelings either, my love.. speaking of love, I really really really like you, every time you touch my hand, every time I look into your eyes, I see the soul I grew in love with, I think you noticed that I didn't say that I fell in love with, you know why ? Because only immature people fall in love with each other, while mature people grow in love with each other, maybe one day I'll explain to you what I mean by that. So max, I was wondering if maybe you'll do me the pleasure to be my beautiful, mesmerising, gorgeous girlfriend..?" I was out of breath after saying all that.

I looked into max's eyes and saw tears falling g down her cheeks, I saw her bright smile, I was waiting for her answer impatiently.

"Of course I want to be you girlfriend." She said, I was relieved.

"I'm happy you want to, so right now we kiss just like the cheesyyy movies or ?" I joked and she chuckled.

"I always dreamed to play in a cheesy movie, I think now is the moment" she said as she grabbed my neck and we shared a loving kiss, full of passion, love, happiness..

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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