Chapitre 7

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Jane woke up to the sound of her phone ringing, she didn't have school today, since it was Saturday, so the girl got up and walked toward the bathroom to wash her face.

She then walked toward the kitchen and eat cereal and drank juice, before walking toward her room again.

The girl grabbed her phone, and looked at the pictures of the party last night, she saw different pictures of her, one when she was kissing a girl, the other when she was in the pool, an other one when she hugged Sam, and one when she was dancing with max..

Jane looked at her and max being this close, but then got her thoughts interrupted by the door ringing.

The girl walked to it and opened it, to find her bestfriend, "you don't happy to see me ?" Asked Beverly.

"What ? I'm so happy to see you silly" said the brunette, the two girls looked at each other before laughing their asses off.

Bev entered in the house and Jane closed the door, the two walked in jane's bed room and a sat on the bed.

"What are you planning to do for summer vacation ?" Asked the ginger, looking away from the window.

"I don't really know, I am planning on hanging out with will, Mike, Lucas and Dustin, and you for sure, I'm going to continue practice basketball since I want to be in the team next year, that's all" said the brunette.

"Mhm that's a good plan, I don't really know maybe we can go for a trip somewhere ?" Said the ginger.

"Yeah that would be amazing, like just you and me, maybe we can invite the others !" Said the brunette.

"I'm going to invite max I think" said the ginger, Jane looked at her with wide eyes before speaking "what the hell ?!? Nah you are not doing that, never !" Said the brunette.

"Why ? So you and Sam could make her even more jealous and she could admit her feelings !!" Negotiated the ginger.

"Nop ! It's vacation I'm not spending it with my bully !" Protested the brunette, "the bully that you are falling for ?"

"Well me and Sam can make her jealous when we restart school !" Said Jane, getting up from her seat grabbing her candies on her desk.

"Come on Jane !" Said bev, "okay maybe you can invite her ! But if she ruins my vacation, I'm going to leave y'all there and not comeback !" Complained the girl.

"Okay ! Stop screaming !" Yelled the ginger, "I'm not !" Yelled back the brunette, "yes you are !" Screamed bev.

"You are screaming !" Said the brunette, "okay ! Why are we screaming ?!" Asked the ginger, " i don't know !"

"Okay stop screaming now my ears are going to stop working" said the ginger sitting on the bed and grabbing her phone.

The two girls spend their time on their phone, and they choose to do a pyjama's party, that was going to be great.

Beverly wore some of jane's clothes, and the two watched a movie, they spend their time doing what a teenager would do, until they started talking about..

"Yeah and his such a sweetheart with me, bu I don't know if he's just being polite !" Said the ginger.

"Maybe ask him to go out, and then say that it's a date and see his reaction" said the brunette, "no fucking way I'm not going to do that !" Complained the ginger.

Sweet Jane - elmaxWhere stories live. Discover now