Chapitre 13

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Two weeks later, it was finally the moment to go on the trip, Jane was so excited, what was going to happen.

The night before, the girl packed her things in a bag, and slept, and today, Beverly just texted her to get out of the house

So Jane grabbed her bag and walked to the door, she wrote a note for her dad telling him that she was out for 2 weeks.

Jane put her bags in the car and entered it, "hi" said the girl, "ready ?"asked the ginger, "always"

The two girls started to ride to max's house, talking and laughing, Jane texted max, telling her they were waiting for her out here.

Max walked out of the house, wearing a crop top, and a Jean along with Jane's jacket, she wanted to keep it so Jane told her it was a present for her.

Jane got out of the car grabbing max's bag from her "you can get in I'm gonna put it in the trunk"

"Oh what a gentlewomen" said the ginger, kissing Jane's cheek before getting in, Jane felt herself blushing.

The girl put the bag in the trunk and got in, max sat at the front with bev, leaving the brunette alone in the backseat.

The three girls started to ride to the wheelers house, where they were supposed to meet the boys.

Beverly parked, and the three girls waited for them to put everything in the trunk of dustin's car.

"You called Steve ?"asked Beverly, "yeah he's supposed to meet us here to give me the three tents.

Jane got a text from her phone, so she got out of the car and was met with Steve the hair Harrington, and robin Buckley.

"Robin !" Said Jane running to the older girl jumping on her, giving her a hug, "hey to you two kid" said the woman.

"Steve, how are you ?" Asked the brunette, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I have the tents, two of them are for two person, and the third one is for three" said the man

"That's perfect, thank you very much" said the girl, she hugged Steve who hugged her back, and he gave her the tents.

She opened the trunk of the car, and Steve helped her putting the tents in, and then she closed it.

"Have a good trip !" Said the man jogging to his car along with robin, the girl got in the the car, and Mike came talking to them.

"We are ready to go, you can start to ride we will be behind you" said the teenage boy, he jogged back to the car and got in it.

Beverly started the car and they started to ride out of Hawkins, making small talks, laughing, singing music.

Jane was in the backseat and was pretty tired, so she fall asleep, max looking at her with a smile.

"She so cut when she's asleep" murmured the girl, "yeah you right she is" said the ginger next to her.

Max felt herself burn from redness, so she turned around and looked at the road, "you really love her don't you ?"

"Well, yeah I have to admit it" said max smiling, "you should ask her to be your girlfriend" said Beverly.

"Well, what if she doesn't want to be my girlfriend" said the ginger looking down at her lap.

Sweet Jane - elmaxWhere stories live. Discover now