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Oct 2, 1981

First period science can suck my dick...So can history, Math and all the other fucking subjects I have.

They say time flies when you're having fun. Personally it really flies when you're not paying attention, and with that the bell rang and all classes were out.

As I walk down the street a group of boys catch my eye. I'm guessing it's Trevor and his minions on the way to visit Clara, my neighbor.

They're real assholes. They sneak into her house, act all buddy buddy and then steal her dad's alcohol.

She was always nice to me not that I wanted to be friends or anything but when I'm bored and down to my last resort going over to her house isn't that bad.

It's been an ongoing thing where these boys would go over and it's starting to piss me off. Truly I could care less about what they're doing but they're dickheads.

I cross the street and slow down my pace. As the group got closer, I was able to make out who these people were.

Trevor was the brunette with the stubble over his upper lip, another one looked like he was thirty with blonde hair.

There were two more who looked almost the same with brown hair and one more blonde who looked pretty familiar.

I'm pretty sure he's in a bunch of my classes. I wonder what he's doing with these idiots. He doesn't look like he wants to be here; he carries himself as if he's somewhere else. In his mind he probably is from all the shit they smoke.

The group walked into the house which left me pacing around outside. I was done with waiting so quickly making my way up the steps I opened the screen door and knocked.

I heard a few voices before my neighbor opened the door. "he-hey" she said "oh hi, umm I was wondering if I could borrow the amps. Your dad said that I could."

"Uh yeah of course, the ugly green one?"she questioned "yup." When Clara's father found out I played the guitar he let me borrow his amps whenever I wanted.

He used to play guitar, Not anymore though. She let me into the house and the boys had their eyes locked onto me. It felt like they were burning holes into my body with their strong gaze.

"Hey uhh y/n it might take me a while to find it." "Okay no problem."
With Clara away it would take a little longer for those assholes to get what they want.

The group's eyes followed my every move. I made my way to the couch where they all were seated. One of the brunettes pulled out a flask from his jacket pocket. This seemed to distract them, As they all wanted a sip.

I wanted to make them angry, maybe not to the point where they beat the shit out of me but just slightly angry. They are definitely bigger and stronger than me.

I bet one of them could knock me out with a slap. I stood up and walked over to Trevor who had the flask in hand. "You know that stuff isn't good for you." I stated. "what are you going to do, tell your mommy. Fucking Bitch." He spat.

Well there's two things I can do: punch him in the face or kick him in the nuts. Both options do work...

Grabbing the flask I took a long swig which finished it off, and threw it with all my force into his groin.

He fell to the floor, groaning in pain, while his friends were muttering random shit and laughing. I doubt they were able to understand what just happened, I mean really they are high out of there mind.

As Trevor got up about to charge at me I hear Clara bring the amps upstairs. Everyone went quiet especially Trevor. I made my way to the door and turned around. "Thanks for grabbing them for me." "Yea no problem, anytime."

I flashed a small smile, just to be nice, And then she walked over to the couch. I guess I really didn't do anything, At least I did something that kinda pissed him off.

My thoughts come to an end as this weird feeling fills my body...like someone is watching me. I looked around, where I suddenly met the gaze of one of those boys.

Eye contact really isn't my thing, and it makes me quite uncomfortable. It's very intimidating maybe even a bit to intimate for my liking.

I left the house but couldn't get that boy out of my head. What's his name anyway...

Isn't it uhh cob...Colby? No, no its umm cobain. Kurt cobain.

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