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Sorry for any grammatical errors, I will fix those later<3

January 11, 1992

"Y/n!" "Y/n, over here!" The flashing lights of the paparazzi disrupting my view. Today our Album 'Nevermind' Hit the top billboard 200 chart. I walked through the doors of the hotel lobby rushing towards the elevator and going up to our floor.

Tonight we are supposed to appear on the Saturday night live show. I got out of the elevator and made way to our rooms. I walked up to Kurts door, My fist inches away from knocking on the wood door.

Kurt and I haven't been as close since the engagement. Courtney practically forces him not to talk to me, Yet it seems like he doesn't care. I hear mumbled voices through the door, They sound aggravated. Maybe something happened.

I walked over to Dave's room and knocked on the door. "Come in." I hear a low voice say. I open the door and see a slumped over dave sitting on his bed, Back to the door. "Dave? Are you okay?" I ask.

"Ye-yeah." He whispered. I heard confusion in his voice and slowly walked up to him. "Dave...You know you can talk to me." I sat down next to him and rubbed his back lightly, Trying to comfort him.

"Y/n...Did you know that..." He put a hand over his mouth, running it down his face. "Did I know what dave?" He looked down at me, Anger pooling in his eyes. "Did you know that Kurt was doing drugs, Not like pot...like... Like Heroin." My heart began to break again.

I thought after all that has happened maybe he would stop, Maybe he would just slow down with it at least. "Y-yeah..." "You knew?!" He stood up from the bed shooting me a disgusted look. "Yeah?" "What the fuck. Why wouldn't you stop him, why didn't you do anything?" Dave practically yells at me, His voice laced with anger.

"Dave, Just calm down." My voice shaking not only at the fact that Dave was upset with me, But because I had to be reminded of Kurt and hid drug use which obviously wasn't getting better. "Calm down? You want me to calm down! This is our friend we're talking about Y/n. He's completely fucked up right now and you want me to calm down?"

It hit me now that maybe I should have done something, Maybe I should have tried harder to get Kurt to stop. He promised me he would never do this again. He told me. Tears began to brim in my eyes. "I'm sorry, Dave." My head hung low.

Dave began to calm down and pulled me into a hug. "It's not your fault N/n...Sorry for yelling. I just can't believe he would do this." My voice muffled as my head was buried in Daves chest. "I still can't believe he's doing this..." The room was quiet the both of us trying to collect ourselves. Today was a big day for us. Now in a way our morning was ruined. I'm sure Kurt is having the time of his life, And Krist is probably oblivious to what happened just now.

I began to wipe my tears. "Sorry Dave." I said looking down at his shirts wet sleeve. He looked down and back up at me smiling. "It's fine, don't worry about." He lightly ruffled my hair. "Well should we check up on krist?" Dave asks. "Yeah, It's three and he's still probably asleep!" I laugh.

We went in the room to wake krist up, He definitely could sense something was wrong but I gave him a 'I'll tell you later look' and he nodded. We spent the rest of the After noon together hanging out and laughing. Until our ride showed up. "So who's gonna get Kurt?" I asked. "Not me." "Not it." I heard in response.

"How about we rock, paper,scissors for it?" Dave says. "Loser goes and gets Kurt." Krist adds on. "Deal!" We all agree. "Okay...Rock paper scissors say shoot!"

I put out a paper while the other two both had sick sakes. "Well fuck me..." I sighed. The two laughed at my annoyance. "Well hurry on now Ms. L/n!" Krist said in a weird country accent.

I began to walk away as the two continued talking and made my way to our floor. I walked over to the rooms. "Kurt come on." I banged on the door.

"Kurt!" I banged harder. "I swear to god." I whispered under my breath. I walked back into my room and found the extra key for his room. I quickly unlocked the door and took a deep breath. "Kurt open the door right now or I'm coming in." I didn't hear anything. "You did this to yourself." I pushed the door open slowly.

"Shit!" I yelled. Kurt was sitting on his bed facing the door with an amused look. "God, would you hurry up." I scoffed. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes and walked out the room. We both walked over to the elevator and I stayed silent.

"What's wrong Y/n?" He said in a confused tone. "Nothing, why?" "I don't know you just look off..." "I could say the same." I said quickly under my breath. "What?" He asked. "Nothing."

We walk over and get into the car waiting for us. "Hey Kurt, Took you long enough!" Krist and Dave joked. The ride was quiet, besides the driver music playing softly. "Okay, this is your stop." The driver says.

The four of us get out the car and walk over to this woman who seems to be searching for something. "Oh yes! Hi, you must be our guests for tonight?" "Yup, we are." Krist said. Alright well let's get going then.

We walked inside the building where we were mic'd up and went through mic testing before we went on stage. "Okay you guys ready?" The lady question. We all said yes and right on cue we were called to go on stage.

It was a smooth interview, Fun, Interesting, And the questions weren't too much. "Well Thank you guys, It was wonderful to hear from you all! Good night everyone!" We all waved and said our goodbyes before heading off stage.

"That was nice." I said. "yeah it was, He wasn't being weird like some of the others." "I was thinking the Exact same thing." I mentioned. "Hey have you guys seen Kurt?" Dave said walking up to Krist and I. "Nope." I said. "I could swear he was right behind me." Dave said plopping down on the seat right next to me. We talked for a few minutes until a smiling Courtney and Kurt walked up to us.

Courtney cleared her throat looking down at us. "Yes?" I said with an unamused expression. "Well we have some important new to tell you all." Courtney squeezed Kurts arm. We all sat there with a blank face wondering what was going on.

This strong feeling filled my stomach. Something bad was going to happen and I didn't know what. I looked over to Krist and Dave who looked completely confused.

"Well...I'm pregnant!" "WHAT?" The three of us shouted in unison, rising from our seats. "I'm pregnant, Isn't this exciting?" The three of us stood still, confused.

I stayed quiet and shook my head softly laughing. "This-This better be some sick joke!" I said, Krist and Dave nodding along with me. "No this isn't." Kurt chimed in. A lump built up in my throat and I couldn't breathe. Before anyone could get another word in we were interrupted.

"Excuse me, Your ride is waiting for you all outside. Again thank you so much for being on the show!" The lady said with a smile before walking off to do something else. I turned to the group and we all stood there without making a noise. I looked at Courtney's arm wrapped around Kurt's.

This wasn't a joke.

"Before we go, Im just gonna use the bathroom." I slipped away from the group and bolted towards the bathroom. A sick feeling filled my stomach, I felt like I was going to throw up. I don't know why I do this to myself. Kurts engaged to be married and now he's having a kid.

My feelings are all mixed up, I mean I can't tell if i'm hurt because I have feelings for him, Or because he's going through all these special moments with Courtney. Maybe it's both. I have to stop being so delusional, We weren't meant to be I don't know why i'm so dumb.

"Y/n we're leaving." I heard dave softly say through the door. I looked in the mirror and wiped away my stray tear before walking out the door.

Dave was leaning against the wall, Krist standing next to him. They both turned as the door closed, And shot me sympathetic look. "We're sorry this is happening, Y/n." They both pulled me into a hug like they did last time.

"I'm sorry this is happening too...." We began to walk out the building the ride waiting for us ahead. The two had their arms wrapped around me in a comforting hug. "You know let's stop being so sad...And start being happy?" I turn to Krist and Dave.

They both look at me with a confused expression on their face. "Wanna hit the movies?" Dave says in a confused tone. "I could go for some buttered up corn balls?" We all began to laugh at our dumb stupidity, And now even if just for a second I don't have to remember the news I just heard.

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