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March 9, 1987

It's been a week since the practice with Kurt. I've been so nervous this weekend. Right after Kurts practice I had to meet up with Danny. It turns out that we have another performance lined up. During our first concert I remember when Danny said "Didn't you have a crush on your best friend?" And I replied "at least I wasn't balding at age 11." One of my worst comebacks but also a very good moment now.

Every time we perform our songs and that song comes up we say that at the beginning, The gig before that we didn't say it but everyone in the audience did so we just kept it. The band has been doing pretty good. Well enough about My band because now I have to move onto Kurts band. Nirvana.

I walk down a dimly lit alley and push into a hefty black door on the side. "WELL LOOK WHO DECIDED TO SHOW UP!" I hear chad yell. I give him a weak wave and set my things down near krist. "Hey N/n!" Krist beams. "Hey giant!" He gives me a hug and sits down next to me.

"So are you excited?" "Well kinda...I mean I just wish Kurt would fix his pedals and stuff so I wouldn't have to do this." Krist gasps and hold his hand to his chest. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU DON'T WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH US." I shake my head and smile.

"Well Kurts freaking out somewhere in the back, So maybe you should go check on him." "Oh yeah, Maybe I should." I get up and walk over to the back over to a door. I knock a few times but no one answers. I open the door. Oh fuck no. It looks like Kurt and Tracy are in a steamy make out session.

They both look over at me but I slam the door shut hoping they didn't see me for that long.
"I NEED BLEACH FOR MY EYES, FUCK YOU KRIST." I can hear his mischievous laughter echoing through the halls.

I run up to him and throw weak punches at him while he finds away to hold me down. Everyone laughs at the scene. "You guys act like siblings!" Shelli laughs. Krist and I both stop and look at each other mumbling things like "I would never be siblings with him." Or "yeah right I would never want her as my sister." While we walk away from each other.

I sit down and krist sits next to me. We look at each other and laugh as he pulls me close to him and Ruffles my hair. "So you guys wanna watch tv?" Chad asks. "Sure!" We all say in unison. The cool place about this nightclub was the fact that if you were performing or have performed here before you could just hang out in the back.

Chad chose a horror movie. I couldn't tell which was scarier, The movie or Krists screams. Every time he gets scared the room fills with laughter. The movie finally ended so we all sit and try to relax after what we just watched.

"Holy shit...what the fuck is that?" Chad whispers pointing to what looks like to figures at the end of the dark hallway. "Oh hell no.. uh uh I am not doing this today." I say while holding the arm rests on the chair tighter.

"Are they getting closer?" Krist asks. We all stare at the figures walking closer and krist and Chad start to hide behind me. I push Chad forward so I'm not behind him. I'm not really scared but everyone is making this situation much scarier than it is. The figure keeps walking and everyone screams.

"We-were you guys really scared!?" I open my eyes and see a laughing Kurt and a serious Tracy. We all laugh and start talking now with Kurt  here. "Hey Bean!" "Hey K.C!" I say while we wrap our arms around each other for a hug. Tracy's glare is so strong. I can feel it almost burning through my skin.

"Well 20 minutes till showtime!" Chad exclaims. "Well we should start setting up stuff." Kurt says. Tracy hold onto his arm while he gently tries to shake her off, Yet she won't budge.

I grab my guitar out of its case and start to tune it up while everyone else does the same. I get all my wire's together and place all my picks in my back pocket. "10 minutes till showtime!" Chad states yet again.

Everyone is running around now trying to set things up. If the buzz from the small forming crowd wasn't loud before with this packed crowd now, it is. "Holy fuck!" Krist whispers. "That's a lot of people." "Yeah that is a lot of people." I respond in a whisper.

"Wait, why are you whispering? They're so loud out there!" I laugh. He laughs along with me. "You know there's a lot of people here, Are there other people playing tonight as well?" I question. "No, Actually tonight it's just us! Also we have to discuss the game plan." He grabs my arm and pulls me to the rest of the group.

"Okay so Y/n you don't come in until the third song. Chad and Kurt will just do what they always do, And I...I'm just gonna do me ya know, Because the ladies love me." He wiggles his eyebrows at Shelli who giggles.

"OH WAIT!" Chad yells. "Here." He hands us each a drink. "Bottoms up!" We clink the drinks together and chug them down until every last drop of the burning liquid has gone down our throats.

We talk for about two more minutes before we're called on. "Well you three break a leg, And I don't mean that literally!" All three of them laugh as they walk onto the stage. Kurt messes up my hair and walks out followed by Krist who does the same and Chad who gave me a fist bump. When the boys meet the eyes of the Audience, they let out a loud roar. They do a little introduction before starting.


I watched the audience jump along with the beats of the drums, and the heavy sounds of the bass and guitar. Kurt's voice echoed through the crowd and I couldn't help but admire him. He performed with such passion. As if every note he sang would be his last. After the first song they now move into the second.

I start retuning my guitar and try my best to hear it over the music. Once the song was over I give it a strum to hear if it sounds right. "So today we have a special guest, Who you may know! Yeah isn't that cool! Now the thing is like she definitely doesn't want to be here, But we're kinda forcing her so she has no choice!"

The audience laughs. "So introducing someone who wishes she could have just walked on the stage without having to hear me give her this intro...Y/N of The Runaways!" The crowd erupted with a deafening explosion of excitement.

Shelli pushed me onto stage and I slumped over and started laughing while I walked over to my spot. I turn and nod at Chad and he starts counting us in. We jump up and down to the music. After as we calm down and sip on some water it gets quieter than before.

"Y/N PLEASE SIGN MY FOREHEAD OH MY GOD!" I hear someone scream. The audience is ecstatic and someone hands me a marker. I walk over to the front and kneel down in front of the girl. I grab her jaw and tilt her head up to mine before writing on her forehead.

The crowd goes wild. I have haven't felt such an adrenaline rush since my first concert. I can't tell if it's the alcohol hitting me or just a major boost in confidence...it's probably the alcohol. I walk back toward my spot before winking at Kurt and going back to play. We do five more songs before the set is over.

We slam out guitars on the ground and Kurt throws himself into the drum set which made me concerned but also I couldn't help but laugh. I wave as I walk off stage along with the other three.

"HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AMAZING!!" Chad beams. Krist and chad walk over to the couch and talk, While I take off my guitar. "Y/N YOU WERE AMAZING!!" Kurt lifts me up and spins me around. I Squeal as I try to fight off his strong grip but theres no point.

I don't let go of his hug, Instead we stay like this enjoying each others presence while trying to catch our breaths from the craziness that happened out there. "KURT!" I hear a loud raspy voice filled with rage. It's Tracy. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!!" She yanks Kurt away from my side and drags him out of the room.

I look around to see If anyone else noticed and Was met with krist's gaze. "What was that about?" I shrug my shoulders and sigh as I walk over to the couch. I tilt my head back and close my eyes letting the warm fuzzy feeling take over.  Chad storms into the room.

"ya know we started the party so we're gonna have to end it!!" He grabs me and Krist and pulls us toward the mob of people in the front. This is going to be an interesting night.

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