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TW-Mentions of Strong drug use and mentions of suicide.

August 25, 1987

It's sort of an official yet unofficial thing that i'm in Kurts band. Ever since that one night I played with them so many people kept asking If I would keep playing with them. I've performed in every gig since. The runaways slowly broke up, which was actually a loss to the "Grunge" community.

Although I didn't think we were such a big deal. We decided to break apart considering the fact Finn and Ace said they weren't meant to be rockstars. They said that they didn't have the stage presence like I did. Danny started seeing this Girl rose, He wanted to spend more time with her so he left as well.

Now it's just me. All alone in this band. I feel like i've accomplished so much even though i'm sad that our band is over. I feel like for the first time in my life I had made my mother proud. That I had given my father something to actually find interest in me for.

Even though after all these years I could care less what they think about me. I haven't thought about them much but that was until my dad sent me a letter. It was an envelope and inside it had another piece of that map. I still don't know what it could be, but I hope i'll find out soon. It looks like there is only one more piece left.

It doesn't matter though. What matters is what i'm gonna do for the day. This whole week has been off. Kurt has barley been answering my calls. He's been saying his stomach is really bad this week. It's funny, Thats a thing we have in common.

All my relatives on my moms side have stomach problems, And of course they just had to be passed onto me. I don't think it was Kurts stomach problems though. He sounded drained and very sick. He's been staying with Krist for the past two months because him and Tracy are in a really tight spot. I told him he could always stay at my house but he said that staying with me would make the situation worse between him and Tracy.

Krist has been no help. I think Kurt told him not to answer my calls but knowing krist he does. He's been cutting them off short though. His voice is always laced in sorrow.

I thought maybe I was just being weird until Shelli was the exact same way. It was like none of them could talk to me. It was like if they did they would be punished. I couldn't understand and I still can't but I managed to convince Krist to let me come over for a talk.

He was very persistent on me not coming and in any other case I wouldn't have invited myself over if he didn't want me to be there, But this was different. He's hiding something and I'm gonna figure it out.

I lace up my converse and throw on a sweater before walking out the door. I was going to take my bike or board but I feel like walking. I made a few turns before I arrived at Krists house. I bring my hand up to knock but before my fist can hit the door it opens. It's krist. "come in." He moves to the side and gestures me to walk through.

"please sit." I take a seat on the couch and shelly walks over from the kitchen before sitting across from me next to krist. "Listen Y/n, You are such an amazing person. You're so talented and kind, You're basically my little sister and I would do anything to keep you safe." "krist what are you talking about?" I slightly laugh.

Shelly rubs his thigh and then pats his shoulder. "Y/n i'm so sorry. I should have told you sooner." His eyes become glossy. "where's Kurt?" I ask. krist gulps loudly and looks at shelly before looking back at me. "up stairs second door to the left." I stand up and walk up the stairs.

With every step my heart seems to drop more and more. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. "Hello?" I knock again "Hello?" "Go away." A low voice says from the other side. "Kurt...can I come in?" Silence is all I hear. "Kurt please." tears start to fill my eyes. What's wrong with him. What if he needs help. "Kurt either tell me I can come in or i'm coming in." I don't hear a reply so I turn the door knob and walk inside.

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