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June 6, 1983

People come and people go, those who leave just weren't meant to be. This happens in friendships...people leave.

Maybe it's because they don't see eye to eye, maybe there's no spark between the two, But that was never the case for Kurt and Y/n.

Two years have passed since the duo met. They were both sixteen now. Life was going well... uhh life was definitely going. Passing them by in a blink.

I mumble to my self as the phone wakes me up from my much needed sleep. I lazily throw my arm in the phones direction and bring it to my ear.

"Hello..." I say softly. "HEY Y/N!" "Oh hey danny." Danny is my older cousin. He's only two years older than me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the rager I'm throwing tonight?" He says excitingly. "And your parents are okay with you throwing a party?"

"They're out of town." He sighs "Uhh Danny I don't... I mean you know how my mom is she'll blow her shit if she found out I was going to a party with drugs and whatever else."

"It's fine. The party will be super fun...pleaseeee?"

I inhale sharply, taking in the cool air and information. "you know what I'll be over in ten party doesn't start for an hour anyways. See you. OH AND GET READY YOU TAKE SO LONG!!"

'Fucking shit.'

I quickly get up and pack some clothes considering the fact I might be sleeping over. I run into the shower and then go over to my mirror and apply some light makeup. Just quick and simple.

I throw on my short sleeve Led Zeppelin shirt, a grey long sleeve underneath, with some low waisted boot cut jeans, and my rough looking pair of converse.

I starts to lace my shoes but thoughts interrupt me. 'When did I stop tying my shoes with two loops?' 'Why do people tie they're shoes with one loop?' 'Is one loop less childish?' 'What would happen if I still used bunny ears to tie my shoes?'

I jump up after hearing the sound of gravel against tires. It's Danny pulling into my driveway. I run down the steps hoping to meet him before my mom does.

The door bell rings and as soon as I open it I'm met with that familiar face.

"Hey N/N!!"
"Hey Danny!!"

We pull each other into a comforting hug. His hand slowly moves up to my head, Messing up my hair.

"Hey!!" I say trying to put on an angry face, but instead I keep smiling.

"Where's your mom?"

"She's in the living room."

"Alright let me work my magic" he says while cracking his knuckles.

I look over at him and flash an awkward grin. 'That's my cousin...' He's truly something. Danny is just amazing. I consider him like my older brother.

We do everything together. Well we do everything together when I'm not with Kurt. We haven't been hanging out so much this week. Maybe he wants a break? I mean we hang out every day.

He's been having some trouble with his mom, and he's always welcome in my house, but he never accepts the offer. I want him to come to the party, but decide against it.

"Alright let's go!" "What?" "Let's go to my house." "My mom said yes?!" "Yeah, I told you I would work my magic!" He says happily.

"Okay let's go!" Mom and I exchange goodbyes while I grab my bags. I open the car door and place my bag inside "So are you excited bean?" He says wiggling his eyebrows. "Yeah, I am!" Danny then turned the key and began to drive off.

'So are you excited bean?'

Bean was the nickname given to me when I was younger, because Danny thought I looked like a bean in my moms ultrasound pictures.

I remember when Kurt first found out about Danny calling me bean. It started off with him cracking jokes and mocking me for it, but then he slowly started to use it as one of my nicknames.

I miss Kurt.  I rest my head against the warm window and my eyes slowly begin to close.

"Y/NNN, WE'RE HERE!!" My eyes flashed open and music filled my ears. "Come lets go!"

I stay behind Danny allowing him to lead the way. "Hey Danny!!" A group of people say. There has to be more than one hundred people here.

"Ohh who's this?" Says a boy with wavy light brown hair. "She's my little cousin Y/n meet Finn, Finn meet Y/n!" "Well nice to meet you y/n" Finn says. "HOLYYYYYYYY" I hear a voice behind me shout. "DAN MAN IS THIS YOUR LITTLE COUSIN??"

I couldn't tell if everyone was speaking so loud because of all the talking and loud music or because they were just hammered. "Yeah this is y/n!" "DUDE I REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE SUPER LITTLE." I flash an awkward smile.

"OH IM ACE BY THE WAY." I flash a smile once again, as my cousin joins the group and leaves me by myself. I walk over to a table lined with red cups, grabbing one and downing it.

I wish Kurt was here we would have a lot of fun, And plus I wouldn't look like such a loser if I had someone here with me.

I grabbed a bottle of some kind of alcohol and sat down on the couch. I drink and look at all these people, taking in all their features and mannerisms.

Everyone is very different, but in a way they all are the same. I feel a tap on my shoulder "Hey y/n, we're going outside come on!" I quickly stand up and follow Danny outside.

We find the group and I sit down on a pool chair around the fire pit. A conversation starts up but I'm not paying attention, the only thing I'm paying attention to is the blunt that's about to be passed to me.

Finn passes me the joint and I take a long drag. I remove it from between my lips and pass it to the person sitting next to me. "So y/n what do you want to do in life, what's your dream?"

I didn't expect anyone to ask me anything. "Uhh...I don't know. I think starting a band would be pretty cool. You know being a musician."

"HELL YEAH!" Ace exclaims. "That sounds fun, you know I wanted to start a band too." Says Finn. "Yeah y/n remember when we wanted to start a band?" Danny says. "Ohh yeah, we should do that. We would definitely be the next big thing" I say jokingly.

"Wait yeah we should all start a band, we could be like the next Beatles or some shit" Ace adds. Everyone erupts into a fit of laughs. "So are we actually doing this?" Finn questions looking around at everyone.

"I'm in!" Says Finn

"I'm in!" Says Ace

"I'm in!" Says Danny

Everyone looks at me waiting for an answer. I sigh and take a swig from the bottle in front of me.

"I'm in!"

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