453 16 24

October 18, 1991

I roll over on my bed, As the light slips through my curtains. I open my eyes slightly and see the clock. "SHIT!" I get up and run over to the shower. I was supposed to be up almost an hour ago. Krist, Shelli, And Dave are coming to pick me up so we can meet Kurts new girlfriend.

I don't know why I do this to myself. I don't know why I still like him. It's been ten years. He's had Girlfriends and everything but I still can't get over him. I know we can't be together but for some reason I just can't accept it.

I step out of the shower and put on some clothes. I do my little routine, And then I hear a honk. That's them I guess. I walk over to the door and grab my sweater from the chair before going outside.

"Hey!" "Hi Y/n" They all greet me. I sat in the back next to Dave, While Krist and Shelli sat in the front. "So y/n, are you excited?" she says in a teasing tone. "Yes very." I laugh. The drive to the resteraunt is fast.

I always wondered why Kurt chose the people that he did. I mean if he likes them then I don't care, But he always sticks up for me yet when he's with these girls he doesn't. They could be so terrible and he did nothing.

I think it's because he's scared. He's scared of losing something good. He's scared of losing people, Who he feels truly love him. It kinda hurts to think that he thinks I don't care. But maybe it's more of a romantic thing.

We all get out the car and walk inside. It's a nice place. We get to the table and see Kurt and Who I'm guessing to be Courtney. I sit down in between Krist and Dave. "So everyone this is courtney!" Everyone greeted her.

She seemed pretty nice, But there was something about her. It was like she was acting. She was being really phony. I think Dave and krist could see it too, But Shelli continued to indulge in a deep conversation with her.

Dave and I begin to talk when Courtney starts talking to me and Dave. "So how long have you and Kurt been friends?" She says looking at me. "Uh maybe...yeah just about ten years." She nods her head, And begins to talk to shelly again.

Krist look at me and nudges my arm, Shaking his head. Courtney continues to glance at me every once in a while, some form of hate towards me in her eyes. After a while the dinner was over and we all left. "Well I thought she was nice." Shelli says. "Yeah she was, She definitely didnt like Y/n though." Krist says while laughing.

Krist drives me back home, And Dave decides to come to my place and hang out because he's bored. "Bye Krist, Bye Shelli!" Dave and I say. I turn to my house and start to take out my keys.

I open the door and motion Dave inside. "Make yourself at home David." I toss my jacket onto a chair. "David?" He says is a mocking tone. "Yes, David." I laugh.

"I like the name David, But I don't know...Dave suits you better." I say sitting down on the couch. Just then the phone begins to ring. "Nevermind I guess I'm not sitting down." I groan as I get up to get the phone.

"Hello?" "Y/n! Get ready right now!" "Danny? What?" "Come on we're going to a party. A party? Right now?" "Yes! It'll be fun. Is Kurt or one of your other friends with you?" "Yeah, why?"

"Tell them to come too. Come on I'm gonna be there in ten and I'll drag you out of your house if I have to!" Then the line goes dead. I sigh and run my hand down my face. "Well Dave, guess we won't be bored anymore."

I back over to the couch and plop down next to Dave. "And why's that?" "We were invited to a party and my cousin will not take no for an answer so we kinda have to go. Well I mean you don't really have to go if you don't want to I just thought that yo-" "I'll go with you, I mean I did come here to hang out with you so." He shrugs his shoulders.

Dave and I sit around for a few minutes until we hear a honk outside. We get our things and walk out the door. "Hey Danny!" "Hey bean, And...I know your name. I'm blanking out...Oh! Dave!" Dave smiles. "Yeah, nice to meet you Danny!"

We get to the party and have a few drinks listen to music, laugh, sing, Dance. As the night went on. I sat on a couch staring down at my cup. I realized how lucky I was to have Dave as my friend. How lucky I was to have Krist and Kurt as my friends.

Just at the thought of Kurt, My stomach turned. He had been acting so off today, I don't know why. He was Kurt, But just different. His face pale and eyes some what dull. My heart dropped.

'He's shooting up again, isn't he?'

I sat for a few more minutes alone, And then Dave came back from the bathroom. "So Y/n do you wanna start leaving now?" "Yeah if you want to." "Well I don't care what we do, I just wanna make sure you get home okay?" He says.

A loud voice rang out from behind us. A guy on a table completely nude swinging his shirt around. I looked back at Dave. "You know maybe we should go." I said while laughing.

We walked out of the house and down the long dark roads that would take us home. Though we weren't so drunk before the alcohol now seemed to finally kick in.

"You know Y/n, My sisters older than me. And you're older than both of us. But I feel like you're my little sister in a way. I don't know if that's weird, it's just nice to be around you. You're like the little sister that's not so little that I never had."

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