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TW- This chapter will depict acts of sexual assault and violence. If you are not comfortable with the subject I advise not to continue onto this chapter.

-flashback- September 3, 1982



The sound of glass breaking causes me to jump out of bed, as the yelling shocks me awake. It's my mom and her new flavor of the month.

I haven't bothered to learn his name because I know he'll be gone by next week. It's a cycle with mom, over and over.

She fights with whoever she's with, has make up sex which I have to hear, then in a few days they're over and she moves onto someone new. It's been like this for a while.

I really don't care though. It's her life not mine, if she wants to put herself through it she can.

I walk over to my door.


I breath in until my lungs feel like they might explode. I exhale and open my door. I slowly watch my steps, trying to remember which spots don't make the floor creek.

I slip down stairs and into the kitchen. I grab an apple of the counter and sit down at the table.

"LEAVE MY HOUSE RIGHT FUCKING NOW BEFORE I CALL THE COPS." Mom yells. Her voice is laced with the same sorrow and emptiness I hear every time something like this happens.

I watch as the man inches close to my mother. I'm sure he's noticed my presence by now as I'm sitting down watching the scene unfold. "Call the fucking cops. What are they gonna do arrest me. They'll arrest you. What type of fucked up bitch do you have to be to get drunk and fight like this in front of your own daughter." He traces his finger over her jawline using it to move her head in my direction.

Her eyes are watering, my eyes are dull. I look at her with the same tired expression. I get up to throw away what's left of the apple, when I feel someone grab me. It's the guy she's with.

"MARK GET THE FUCK OF OF HER" Mom cries out. Well I guess his name is Mark. I squirm around hoping to be freed out of his tight grip, but instead he holds me tighter. Moms loud screams cloud over In my mind.

My body just shut down. Mom runs over to me but Instead he pushes her down. He pushes me onto the couch and slowly, tries ripping of the clothing from my body.

Fear builds up inside of me. I don't know why I'm acting this way. For some reason he's the most rough out of all of them. This isn't the first time something like this has happened.

It's happened a few times but my mom never believed me, probably because she's drunk half the time. As he clawed at my shirt, I felt something inside me just start up.

"Get off of me..." I whimper. He continues. "Get off of me." Tears stream down my cheeks. "GET OFF OF ME." I push him off with all my force. He falls to the ground and I run.

My shirt is torn up and I look extremely disheveled. I run down the street as fast as my legs can take me. I finally see my destination and knock on the door.

I wait for someone to answer while I catch my breath. "Y/n?" "Kurt!" I ran into him, hugging him tighter than ever. "What happened..." I slowly look up at him, he pushes me away and looks at me. This look of anger shoots through his eyes. "Come on n/n." He pulls me into a side hug and guides me to his room. I sit down on his bed and watch as he goes to his closet.

He pulls out a tee shirt and hands it to me. I can't believe this just happened. I mean after all those times my mom thought I was lying...now she'll see. I get up and turn around taking off my shirt.

"Bean... come here." I slowly turn around forgetting the fact I'm shirtless.

"You have scratches on your back." He says. "Yeah, I figured I did..." I slowly took the shirt and pulled it over my head. Kurt pulls me down next to him and I lay my head on his lap. "I'm sorry Kurt." I whisper.

"Sorry? For what? You didn't do anything it was that fucking piece of shit who should be sorry." His eyes are filled with hatred, pure hatred. I put my hand up to his face and make him look down at me.

"I love you cobain."

"I love you too, Bean."



June 7, 1983


"Bean wake up." My hearts racing and my eyebrows contain droplets of sweat. It was just a dream.

Well less of a dream and more like a flashback. I shoot up. "SHIT." My head fills with a sharp pain. "Here take this." Danny says.

I take the pills and drink the water he gave me. "So this was a fun way to end the summer right?" "Yeah, I mean after you get over the hangover I'm sure it was fun. Not that I can remember anything."

I slam my head back down on the pillow. "come one lighten up! You know when are we gonna start practicing and shit?" "Practicing for what?" I question.

"Beanster. Were you really that fucked up, that you don't not remember anything. Oh my god I feel like I proud mother." He wipes away his fake tears and hold his hand to his chest.

"Shut up." I say jokingly while throwing a pillow at him. "You know yesterday we decided to start a band!" I feel like he's joking, but as he said that the memories slowly came back to me.

"Oh yeah I remember." "Yeah well guess what it seems beanie here is gonna have a lot of fans!" He says wiggling his eyebrows. "And why is that?" "Well because after we decided to start a band, we all ran inside and told everyone.

They were all so hyped up and then this guy buzz said he could set us up with gigs and shit! I mean he even called this morning, so we got some work cut out for us."

"What work?" "Well we got a gig in four months for Halloween!" "Ohh cool." I'm trying to process this but I'm still a little stuck. Some random agreement I made while everyone was drunk out of their minds, is now happening.

I really didn't expect anyone to remember. "So what's the name of our band?" "You made it, we're called The Runaways."

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