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February 29, 1991

"Hello, is any one home?"

I walk down the hall, to my door. I wasn't expecting any one today. I open the door, it's the mailman. "Hello?" I say. "Hi, are you Y/n L/n?" "Yes, I am." "Okay, I was instructed to hand deliver this to you." "Oh, okay thank you!" I grab the box from his hands. "Thank you, have a great day!" I say. He responds with a quick "Thanks, you too!" Before going back to his truck.

On the top of the box it says "Bring your mystery map." That's weird. I set the box down and go to finish getting ready. The boys will be here any second. 'DGC Records' got in contact with us and wanted to talk with us about our demo, And the high possibility of a record deal. I lace up my shoes, And just then do I hear a loud car horn.

I run into the living room grabbing the mystery box and the other pieces of the map my father had sent me, before going out to the car. "Hey!" I say as I get into the backseat. They all greet me back and we start to drive. The three couldn't hold in there excitement. I was so nervous, But also excited nonetheless.

I fiddle with my hands and then remember the box I had brought along. I wonder what this could be. I pull out my keys from my pocket and open the box.
As I open it a note lays perfectly on the top.

"My dear y/n,
It's been sometime since we have last talked. I would just like to let you know your years of wondering are now over. Here is your final piece.

Love Dad."

I hesitate before I dig into the rest of the box. It's a piece of paper. I lift it up and notice a address circled in red. I place the papers on my lap and piece them together. It's a place in California. No way my dad knew I was going to go there. What even is this address.

I stare at the paper hoping for something to ring a bell until I remember. "Krist?" "Yeah!" "What's the address of the place?" "75 Wiggins road." "Oh thanks." I stare back down at the paper and look at the exact address which is exactly "75 Wiggins road." This is him trying to pull a prank on me. If you would even consider this one. I put the paper in my pocket, And close my eyes hoping to calm down the nerves.


"COME ON GUYS WE'RE HERE!" I hear Kurt beam. We all get out of the car and walk into a building. The three boys got lost looking around so I took it upon myself to find out where we had to go. I walk over to the front desk and ask the lady where we have to go. "Upstairs 7th floor."
"Okay, Thank you!" "No problem." I walk over to the three and drag them over to the elevator. "Wait we have to get directions." Krist and Kurt say. "I already did."

We get into the elevator and just as the doors closed a feeling of pure anxiety shot through my body. I start to bounce my legs and move side to side hoping to calm my nerves but nothing helps. The door opens. I can't believe this is actually happening.

We walk over to a waiting room. "Hello, Are you the 3:00 party?" "Yeah." We say in unison. "Great, follow me!" We follow this lady until she leads us into a room. "Please take a seat and someone will be with you very shortly." We thank her and she leaves the room. "Holy shit." We all say.

The room was absolutely gigantic. The size of my house times five. There was a recording studio in the room as well as a bar, bathroom and lounge area. Best office ever. We sit down in front of what we believe to be the main desk. "I'm scared." Kurt says. "I think we all are." I say looking forward. I narrow my eyes as I see something familiar.

The name plate on the desk says 'Mr. L/n'. This weird feeling filled my body but also this urge to do something I know I shouldn't. Without the others noticing I got up and slowly slipped around the desk.

"Y/n what the hell are you doing." I grab a picture off of the Desk. It's a picture of my dad and I playing together in his basement. "There's no way..." I say under my breath. Just then the door opens. "Well hello eve- " The man's voice is cut short when he sees me behind his desk. "Seems you've made yourself comfortable n/n."

I can't believe this. It's my dad.

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