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Sorry for any grammatical errors, I will fix them later <3

January 14, 1992

"Krist!" I yell into the phone. "Is everything ready?" "Yeah, I'm three blocks away."  "Okay, see ya soon."  The line went dead and I walked over to get my stuff.

Three days ago everything wasn't so great. Dave now probably had a different outlook on Kurt after seeing him on that shit he does, And Courtney and Kurt announced they were having a baby. Krist, Dave, and I all weren't too enthusiastic.

I could barely remember that day anyway. I blanked out half way through it.

I grabbed Dave's present and started to walk out the door. As I made it outside Krist pulled up. "Sir Novoselic at your service." Krist greeted in a posh accent. "Thank you Sir Novoselic." I said saluting him.

Shelli laughed from beside him at out antics. "Hey Y/n!" "hey Shells!" I sat down in the back of the car and Krist took off.

"You think Dave will be surprised?" I ask. "It's Dave, Even if he isn't, he still will be." Krist replied. Shelly and I laughed and began talking about our next show.

"Okay you chatter boxes, We're here!" Krist said in one of his weird accents. I get out of the car and Shelly and Krist follow not far behind. The night before we set up all the decorations and stuff. We had Kurt distract Dave and hopefully it would lead him here.

We sat down at the back of this bar we knew Dave loved. Well that I knew Dave loved, Krist was always black out drunk with Dave and too hungover to remember the names of places we went.

The room slowly started to fill up all with people we knew, Mutual friends, And Daves friends. About thirty minutes passed by and we see Dave,Kurt, and Courtney walk into the bar.

"SUPRISE!" We all cheer as Dave walks into the room. He stops in shock and looks around clearly suprised. "Holy shit!" he laughs. "who did this?" He says as he continues laughing and greeting people. A few of the people point over to me and krist and he walks over and gives us hugs. "Thank you guys, You didn't have to do this." "Oh but yes we did!" I say to him. "Well lets party!" He announces. The group breaks apart some on one part of the bar and others at another.

"Shot?" I hear Shelly say, Handing me a tiny glass. "Why of course!" We both clink the small glasses together and sip from them. The buzz of the clear liquid hitting almost instantly.

"I don't mean to ruin your time...but how have you been taking all this?" Shelli says concerned. "Taking all of what?" I say while laughing at my own confusion. "Well you know Kurt and Courtney...the baby..." She says in a whisper.

I hum, and drink down another shot. "What's there to say. There engaged now, and having a baby. I'm...happy for them." I say. In all honesty I didn't know what I was saying. I am happy for them, but if I'm happy why does it make me so sad? Why does this hurt so bad?

Shelli pulls me into a quick side hug, and I do the same. I know she saw right through my lie. Shelli and I stay at the bar a little while longer before going to cut the cake.

Everyone gathers around a table, Dave standing behind the cake, Krist, Kurt, and I right next to him. We sing him happy birthday and as he makes his wish Kurt, krist, and I do the honors and push his head into the cake.

Everyone laughs and cheers, Dave lifts his head and starts licking the cake off his face. Everyone had some cake and quickly the night was over. Everyone left and it was just Shelli and I at the bar, Krist and Dave walked over and then Kurt and Courtney followed. "Tonight was fun, thank you guys!" Dave says happily.

We all sit together talking and drinking a little more, though We stop Dave and Krist as they passed there limit probably by five bottles. I heard someone clear there throat and looked over to see Courtney about to talk.

"So you guys know we're getting married?" She says. "Yup." We all respond almost not wanting to talk about it. "Well..." she grabs onto Kurts arm and smiles.

"Well before we go we just wanted to tell you all that the week of February 24, we're getting married!" Courtney said proudly. I watched as her eyes glimmered. How she scanned each of our faces searching for another look besides blank stares. Her eyes lingered on mine as if to taunt me.

"Where?" Dave asks. "We decided Hawaii." Kurt replies. I nod my head while Dave goes on a rant in shock about going to Hawaii. I look over at Krist and see his blank face still there. "Kurt, Can I talk to you for a sec?" Krists asks.

Krist looked angry for some reason, he didn't say anything, And gave off a feeling that said not to ask him about it.

Kurt walks over into a different part of the room where we can no longer see him. I begin to roll back and forth on my feet wishing the two would come back so it wasn't as akward. "So are you excited?" I hear Courtney say. "For?" I look up at her. "For the wedding." "Oh, yes! I'm thrilled!" I say through clenched teeth.

"Come on Courtney let's go." Kurt storms over to Courtney and drags her off without saying goodbye to Dave and I. "What Happened?" Dave asks Krist. "I...I don't want to go to his wedding. I won't sit there and watch him ruin his life for some woman who doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself."

It hurt to admit but Kurt did love her. It hurt even more knowing they would be getting married next month, And that Krist was right.

We all packed up, Shelli drove Krist, Dave and I to Krists house, And Dave and I got into my car I left at Krists house and drove to my place. We decided to have a movie marathon to end the night.

Dave and I went from being awkward to now being close, All of the boys were really my best friends. They always joke about how I'm the little sister of the group even though I'm older than Dave.

Dave and I were cuddled up on the couch watching tv when he spoke. "You know n/n, Thanks for tonight. You're the best fake older little sister ever!" He smiled. "You're the best fake little older brother ever!" I say back.

Dave and I tried to stay optimistic. Our best friend was getting married wether be liked it or not. Krist was upset, but we have to push through and at least support Kurt. If we don't then who will?

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