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This is the set list: 1) Mood swings- Human people 2) I just threw out the love of my dreams-weezer. 3) chop suey- System of a Down 4) I'm so sick-flyeaf.

October 31, 1983

My eyelids feel like hundred pound weights are resting on top of them. Today's Halloween a day for everyone to be crazier than they already are, but this day isn't special just because I like Halloween...but because today we have a big gig.

I turn down the familiar hallways and into my first period class.

"Hey y/n!" "Hey KC!" "Oh uhh, Kurt. I have a gig tonight and I was wondering if you would go..." I said as fast as I could in a whisper.

I don't know why I feel so nervous around him sometimes. I wish I didn't say it like that. What if he says no.

"Yeah, I was already planning on it!" "Oh...right." I mentally face palm. Of course he knew about tonight, I'm always going over to my cousins for practice and Kurt comes occasionally.

First period went by fast, it was mostly just me and Kurt goofing around and not paying attention...but it was also like this for our other seven periods.

Me and Kurt walk home, while he talks about tonight. "I bet it's gonna be amazing, one of the best performances ever!!" Kurt exclaims.

"Yeah..." I sigh. We continue to talk, but I start to zone out. All I can look at is him. He's looking down, focusing on kicking a pebble. His smooth hair moves perfectly with the slight breeze. His lips are slightly parted and his eyes are dark yet so full of light.

I keep looking at him completely in my own world when, his eyes meet mine and snap me out of my thoughts. His face turns a light shade of pink and a smile plays on his lips. "Well this is my stop." "Bye Kurty!" I say while waving. "Bye n/n!"

I get my gig bag and stuff extra strings and picks into it. I place the bag on my bed and practice for a little. I mean the whole thing starts at 8:30 so I'll be ready by then.

The time is already 4:30 so I jump in the shower. The hot water drips down my back, and relaxes my tense body. I'm so fucking nervous, and I don't mean a little nervous I mean REALLY fucking nervous.

I get out the shower and put on some low waisted jeans and a tee shirt. I throw on my converse and make sure I have everything.

"Y/n Your dads here!" Mom shouts. Dad decided to drive me considering he lives so close to where I have to go.

"Hey dad!" "Hey n/n!" He says pulling me into a hug. We get into the car and drive off.

The car jerks causing my eyes to fly open. "Okay, we're here!" I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my stuff.

"Hey y/n. I know your nervous but you'll do great. Probably better than great! I love you." "I love you too dad." I smile at him and make my way over to the door.

"Y/N!!" Danny says, running over to me. "Hey Danny!!" "Come on let's go inside, we're already running late." We both run inside and set our belongings down. I grab my guitar out of the case and attempt to tune it over the loud music.

"HEY BEANSTER!" "Hey Ace!!" "I'm so nervous." He says, taking a seat next to me. "So am I..." I sigh. "Listen we'll do great, I mean the people like us already!" "Well just because we hyped them up at the party doesn't mean they know what we sound like..."

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