Twin Trouble

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James paced back and forth nervously, while Remus and Sirius were trying to reassure him. He was a stumbling fool and looked ready to pass out. Today was the day they all have been waiting for. James and Lily were to become parents to two beautiful babies. Lily and James have been going over names, possible magic and appearance.

When a doctor and a nurse finally came out for what seemed like hours, they were smiling. "Congratulations Mr. Potter, you have two lovely children. Your wife is asleep right now, but you can head in to see the children." The blonde nurse said cheerfully. James stopped pacing and asked," Is my wife fine?" He was anxious and fidgeting a lot. He immediately calmed when she nodded. He rushed into the room with Remus and Sirius trailing behind. James smiled when he saw his wife sleeping peacefully, holding two sleeping babies. He heard Remus and Sirius start arguing about names and genders. "Mhh... James?"  James turned back to where his wife laid. Lily was now awake and smiling at her husband. "Oh! Lily, I'm sorry, did these two idiots wake you up?" James asked his wife carefully. He knew Lily was exhausted and needed rest. She went through months of pain and mood swings for these two angels. Lily smiled and shook her head. "No. Now, let's name our kids." James smiled. 

"The oldest will be Ray James Albus Potter, and you can name the youngest." Lily said. James looked at the small boy, smiling. "Hadriel Everest Potter." James said happily. Suddenly, the room door slammed open to reveal Dumbledore. "This is very important. Trelawney prophesized and it states:

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Lily starts crying and holding her children tightly, while James is pale and frozen. Sirius and Lupin notice a twinkle in Dumbledore's eye, something is off. "Do not worry. The Longbottom's also had a child today three hours ago. There is a chance it may be one of yours. Do not fear, because we can safely relocate you to Godric's Hallow and place wards." Dumbledore said treading carefully with his words. 

"It's ok, I will set up a port-a-key and try to protect them as much as possible." James said, finally snapping out of his daze.


That is all for this chapter. It's shorter because this is just an introduction to our little hero and his family. 

Have an adventurous day/night!

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