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As Hadriel made his way out of the Charms classroom, he felt a tug on his arm. He looked over and saw Lavender.

"Oh, hello Lavender. Do you need something?" Hadriel asked her. Lavender bit her lip and looked down.

"I have this problem, actually, most of the girls do," Lavender whispered nervously," Some 7th year boys have been messing with us..." Lavender had trailed off after admitting the problem that almost every female in school had. 

"Do you know who the boys are?" Hadriel asked darkly, his eyes flaring with anger. Lavender nodded before continuing. 

"Not sure" Lavender whispered, her eyes darting around nervously. Lavender then stared at something over Hadriel's shoulder, her eyes widening. 

Hadriel looked over and saw Tobias Cobin making his way over. Hadriel protectively held Lavender's hand and squeezed in comfort. 

"Ah, Lavender, there you are! Me and my friends have been looking for you! Who's this?" Cobin greeted in false joy, his eyes hardening on Hadriel. Cobin studied the male that was holding Lavender's hand. He looked feminine but had some male traits. Cobin licked his lips and stared at Hadriel's face.

"I'm Hadriel Emerys, pleasure to meet you. Who may you be?" Hadriel said firmly, not taking his eyes away from Tobias.

"Tobias Cobin, Darling. Quite the pleasure to meet you too. You can join me and Lavender, we're just going to go see my friends." Tobias said with a smirk. 

'Hadriel Emerys, rolls of the tongue. He looks feminine and very attractive, despite being a male. Also, polite. He's perfect, unlike the other females.' Tobias thought. 

"Sure! Come along, Lav. We can talk about our homework afterward." Hadriel said cheerfully, not seeing anything wrong with meeting his friends. Lavender squeaked and tried to politely deny the invitation. 

"Erm, sorry. I can't, I have to help Professor Mcgonagall with paperwork and her next class." Lavender quickly said before rushing away. Hadriel shrugged and looked back at Tobias, who was looking Hadriel up and down. 

"Follow me," Tobias said with a smirk. Hadriel followed Tobias through some long hallways and up a flight of stairs. The two stopped outside of a large door. Tobias opened it and let Hadriel through first. Hadriel looked around and saw a group of 4 sitting near a fireplace talking. They looked over and watched as Tobias and Hadriel walked over. 

"Hello, I'm Hadriel Emerys. Pleasure to meet you!" Hadriel introduced himself. The boys shared glances and smirked. They had to admit, they were enchanted by Hadriel, as if he was a veela or ethereal being.

"Welcome, Hadriel, it's a pleasure to meet you," One of the boys said." I'm Chao Chang, brother of Cho Chang." Hadriel shook hands with him, not noticing the hungry look he got from Chao.

"I'm Garry Fredrick, welcome." Garry said, looking up from his book to meet the newcomer. He felt his heart stop and then beat faster. The male in front of him was beautiful, he had to be a creature. His hands were soft and fit perfectly in his hands when they exchanged a handshake. 

"Name's Maxis Trelawney, son of a seer." Maxis said smugly. Hadriel nodded, refusing to shake hands with him because of Maxis's greasy and oily hands. 

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