Transfiguration Class

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After a long session of drama and utter chaos, it was time for the next class. Everyone had 15 minutes to get to their classes and do something else too. Hadriel's next class was with Gryffindor, again.

As Hadriel arrived 13 minutes early, he took advantage of the empty classroom to choose a good seat. He sat in the front section, but more towards the window side. As he got situated, he heard sound near the front. When he turned around to check, he saw a cat sitting still and straight, super unnormal for a cat. 

Hadriel walked over and examined the cat. It had something strange, it had a spectacle shape around her eyes, like glasses. He remembered his schedule and smiled at the cat.

"Good evening, Professor Mcgonagall. Do not worry, I won't tell anyone." Hadriel promised before heading back to his seat. The cat meowed and sent a nod in his direction. After 10 minutes, students started flooding in. They all were chatting and laughing, ignoring the cat on the desk. 

=========================Start of Class=========================

Everyone had settled into their seats and were looking around for the professor. After three minutes, everyone just stayed silent, beyond confused why the professor wasn't here.

"Thank 'Huff' God the professor isn't here; we'd lose more points! We already lost more than 50 because of running through the halls, being late, and disrespecting a professor." Ron said as he and Ray gasped for air. They were 7 minutes late and they were running through the halls too. 

"20 points from Gryffindor, maybe you should show on time and not run through the halls next time, hmm?" Professor Mcgonagall chided. Ray and Ron squeaked when they saw the cat leap and turn into their professor. 

"Well, we got lost and forgot the time! When we finally realized we were going to be late, we tried to hurry!" Ron spluttered in defense. Professor Mcgonagall clicked her tongue in disappointment.

"Then should I turn you into a map? Or perhaps a watch?" Professor Mcgonagall said before dismissing the boys to their seat. As they trudged to their seats, the students of Gryffindor glared at them. Gryffindor was currently in the negatives. 


Gryffindor at -42 pts

Slytherin at 121 pts

Hufflepuff at 98 pts

Ravenclaw at 103 pts

"Now, since the last two have arrived, we shall start. You all have a match in front of you, your objective it to turn it into a needle. If you manage to do so, try changing it to be sharper or be designed. The spell is on the board." Professor Mcgonagall said before she went to go walk around the room and see who finished first.

Hadriel smiled and did the incantation in front of his friend's eyes. When it turned into a beautiful silver needle. It had a beautiful design. Similar to his wand almost. 

"10 points to Slytherin! Good job, Mr. Emerys. Can you walk around and help your peers?" Professor Mcgonagall congratulated. Hadriel nodded and started helping Terry and Luna. After that, he walked around and helped some Gryffindors. Some were people he recalled from the sorting. He believed they were Lavender Brown, Padama Patil, and Neville Longbottom. They were all kind and thanked him in the end, Lavender started calling him Driel for helping her. She kind of creeps him out. When he attempted to assist Ron, the stubborn Weasel kept covering it and ignoring his advice. Then Ray Potter decided to be a prick and try and force Hadriel to do the work, or else he'd have Hadriel expelled.

============ 5 minutes ago, ==============

"Emerys, make my match into a needle! I'm the boy who lived, I already had done this, I don't need to waste magic doing this!" Ray whisper shouted at Hadriel when he arrived in front of Ray's desk.

Hadriel looked at him amused and said," No." 

"Do it or else!" Ray said a little louder, drawing attention from some of the Gryffindors. Professor Mcgonagall couldn't hear because she was at the other side of the room assisting a Ravenclaw.

"Or else what?" Hadriel pushed further, intrigued what Ray would say. 

"I will have you expelled! I'm the boy who lived, you should listen to me! You should feel honored to kiss my feet and do my work, you useless lump of waste!" Ray threatened angrily. Hadriel smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? What would you have me expelled for, Potter~" Hadriel purred, leaning closer towards Ray's face. 

Ray felt his face warm up and quickly shook his head, clearing the thoughts about the handsome male in front of him...wait, Handsome male! No, no, no, Ray was not gay, he likes girls only! Yet, it was so hard not to look away from Emerys's deep blue eyes, it held him captive. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Hadriel said with a curious look on his face, not realizing he was super close to Ray's face.

(Don't worry, Ray will not be a ship, unless you want it. Hadriel could have been kidnapped and the beginning chapter could be a false memory implanted by Dumbledore. Ray then starts realizing his actions and starts getting better, becoming attracted to Hadriel during it. Idk, you chose. Hadriel's real family can be the Parkisons. You chose...)

Ray's face became a deeper red, he finally realized, he might be into guys, and Hadriel was the one. Ray smirked inwardly and thought carefully. '

If I like this dude, I might as well get him to be mine and respect me, it is kind of attractive how he stands up to me...'  Ray thinks, imagining him dating the adorably attractive male, ignoring what others would think.


Before I continue making scenes like this, what do you think of this:

Hadriel was actually kidnapped by Dumbledore and placed into the Potters. The first chapters are false memories implanted by Dumbledore. Hadriel's real family is the Parkisons. Ray later then realizes he is not going to get the person he's attracted to with his actions and attitude, so he starts changing his habits. He then starts pursuing Hadriel and fall deeper in love. 

The Harem still includes:

-Tom Riddle

-Draco Malfoy

-Theodore Nott

-Blaise Zabini

-Ray Potter (if you want what I gave an input on.)

-Idk, suggestions if you want more.

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