Innocent Child in the Woods

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It has been two years since adopting Harry. The couple loved him dearly and was happy with Anderson's kind decision. He was taught the basics of muggle school subjects and some other things. Anderson's wife was a witch and came from a pureblood lineage, so did he. The couple taught Harry all types of magic and combat. Harry played distraction and killer.

"Excuse me, Miss? I was playing at a pond with some duckies, but I got lost and forgot where home is." Harry said, tears prickling his eyes and his face resembling a scared and sad puppy. The woman looked down and smiled, she was a child kidnapper. She sold them and sometimes kept them but selling their bodies to men and women.

"Oh, dear. I know a police station, I can take you there and the nice police officers will help you, ok?" The lady said, a hand reaching towards Harry. Harry sniffed and rubbed his eyes. He latched his hand to her hand and walked with her. 

"The police station is a bit of a far walk for such a young child, and it would be exhausting if I carried you, are you okay with riding in my car?" The lady said, watching the sleepy child closely. The boy had a thin, masculine build, with a soft, feminine face. His bright, glowing green eyes would fetch a fortune, his soft, raven-black hair would add to the looks. His pouty lips and baby-face would add around $700.000 of cash. She'd have to examine if he has any special talents or uniqueness to him.

"Miss, are we there yet?" Harry said, yawning at the end to show his sleepy facade. The gears were turning in his head, plans forming and knew he'd have to call for him if this went wrong. 

"Yes, darling. Now, be a good, pretty child and hop into the backseat. You don't need to buckle up, you can just sleep." The lady said, her eyes gleaming with madness. Harry nodded and slowly climbed into the car, where he noticed another sleeping child. He stared at the boy. He had platinum, blond hair and a pale face. He was wearing a pretty robe; it had a crest and it said "Malfoy". 

"Don't mind him, sugar, he is just napping. He also lost his parents and I offered to drive him to the police. Harry nodded and looked out the window as the car started moving, driving into an unknown place. He saw the lady drinking a liquor bottle and have a dazed look. Her driving was all wonky and not right, she was driving towards a cliff, her foot still on the gas pedal, the car accelerating faster and faster. Harry grabbed the blond boy's hand and transported him to where his parent is. His thoughts were rushing. There was always that one offer, one he had to fulfil if he chose it, but time would stop, and he'd still live.

"Merlin, I accept your offer!" Hadriel screamed as the car went hurling down the cliff, the driver foaming from the mouth as she fell to her death.


With a crack and a blinding flash, Harry disappeared before the car hit the ground. He appeared in a dark forest; it was pure spooky and gave killer vibes. Hadriel placed a charm to hide his scent and aura. He heard a shout for his name, but it was followed by a scream. Hadriel raced towards the sound. It led him to a horrific sight. His mother was being ripped apart by some creature, and his father was hanged by his neck on a tree. 

Hadriel collapsed and quite sobs came over him, he felt feverish and sick. He lost his first parents in favor for his twin, he just lost his loving parents to a forest. Hadriel heard some talking and quickly hid in a bush, it was covered in roses, but Hadriel shifted into a cat. He made sure his charms were still up and stayed silent as the noise drew closer. 


"I heard some screaming; you think a rake got them? We can give Eyeless Jack their livers and Laughing Jack the rest, let's hope the rake didn't ruin the bodies." Ticci Toby said, his usual self was bouncing with energy, swinging his axes and singing Christmas songs. 

Masky and Toby were sent by Slenderman because he apparently sensed a strange, magical aura. It was dark and overwhelming; they'd know when they felt it. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw a very disturbing sight. There was blood coating the grass, and a body of a man hanging from a noose connected to a tree, a woman's body torn to shreds and laid on the ground, her blood staining the ground around her. Toby bounced up to the bodies of the woman and quickly searched the purse that laid a couple feet from her outstretched hand. 

"She has a child, adopted one. The man hanging is her husband and their son should be around. We can kill him, guessing he will be one of those weird teenagers that drag their parents into these sorts of things, just look around." Toby decided.

Masky nodded and began searching the trees and bristles. Toby searched the waters and the bushes, until he came upon a cat. The cat was small and black, green eyes that shone brightly. It was shaking and hiding in the bush, probably hiding from the rake.

"Hey, Masky! I found a kitty-cat! Can we keep him? Please? I'll feed him waffles, bathe him, walk him around the forest, I'd even keep him a secret and not tell the others of your Yaoi Manga Collection and figurines." Toby begged, his voice sounding childlike. Masky sighed and nodded, clearly regretting it when he was pulled into a bone-crushing hug. Masky asked Slenderman to teleport the duo into their rooms, they finished the job.

"I will name this cat...Tic! Tic the cat is perfect!" Toby announced, not noticing he was in his room, alone. 

"We will be the bestest of killers! I'll teach you how to maul someone with your claws or quickly kill someone, and we'll eat waffles, of course!" Toby squealed, he was so happy for a new friend, and a possible son, yet he didn't know.

How will Hadriel escape this one?

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