A Cat and A Dog

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"Smile! Smile! Where the hell are you!" Jeff shouted, his knife dripping blood on the ground. He had just finished off another batch of teenagers and took Smile with him, but Smile decided to run away. 

"Smile! I swear to Slenderman, I'll kil-!?" Jeff suddenly stopped when he saw Smile. Smile was standing there, facing Jeff. Jeff felt a cold shiver run down his spine, like cold water was poured down his back. The dog had that blasted cat on its back. A day ago, Toby found a cat after finding two bodies that were attacked by a rake. Toby was allowed to keep it and named it Tic. Tic was then trained to do Toby-like stuff and it was a menace. 

"Hello, Tic! I'm just going to pretend I wasn't here and still need to find some humans. You stay here and ride Smile. Yes? Good, bye!" Jeff shouts, quickly turning and running away, his ears picking up the sound of the two animals chasing him.

"SLENDERMAN! I NEED YOUUU!" Jeff screeched. He was quickly lifted off the ground and the two animals were lifted too. 

"Why did you call me, Jeff? It is important? Why is there a cat?" Slenderman questions, his voice strong and strict. Slenderman lowered Jeff but kept the two animals hanging.

"Well, you see...Toby found a cat and Hoody let Toby keep it and decided to name it Tic. He then taught it the Toby style and weirdness. Now, the cat rides my dog and takes my stuff, it is a big troublemaker. It was also chasing me, only because I disrupted its moment. " Jeff explained, he picked up his knife. He dropped it when Slenderman lifted him up. 

"Hmm, seems like the proxies need some lecturing on getting permission from me first. Let's go, Jeff." Slenderman decides. He teleports everyone to the living room, the proxies lined up and him in front. 

"Heya Slendy! Look at this doll I made with Lazari!" Sally exclaimed excitedly. Slenderman tiredly nodded and gave her a small smile. He teleported the two girls into their beds. 

"Now, Toby, Jeff has informed me of your new friend, mind explaining? Secondly, you all know you need to ask me before keeping random pets or animals!" Slenderman said, his tone rising higher. He wasn't angry, but more of disappointed. He really hoped that the proxies would be responsible and do their jobs while he's gone for a day.


Hadriel quickly escaped Slenderman's tentacles and ran towards Toby's room. Toby cheered and Smile barked and howled. Hadriel raced between the door crack and closed the door as best as he could. He transformed back into his human self and curled into Toby's pillow.

"Hey, Tic, that was crazy! I can't belie- WHAT!" Toby shouted when he saw the young boy on his bed. He noticed the boy had the same black hair as Tic and the large, luminous green eyes. The boy was small and skinny, looked around 3 or 4. 

"Erm, child? Who and what are you doing here?" Toby questioned, feeling anxious. Should he get Slender? The boy jumped and turned into Tic, scuttling towards under the bed.

"Tic! How?" Toby said confused. How did the boy turn into his cat?

"I'm Hadriel. I can turn into a cat, the cat you named Tic. The bodies you found were Mama and Papa's bodies. I was abandoned by my first parents and then was adopted. Please don't tell faceless man! Your like family to me, too..." The boy cried out from under the bed, his voice trailing off at the end.

"Fine, but you need to be my family too! My little brother, waffle brothers!" Toby said, his eyes gleaming at the idea of waffles. Hadriel smiled and knew he made the right decision.


Sorry, ending this one early! I will do one tomorrow. I'm a bit sick, but okay! I hope you have a good day, my Ravens!

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