Adopting a Future Kill- I mean kid!

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Anderson brandished his knife and looked at the large, sleeping woman. Her dog laying besides her. He walks up to the dog and injects a sedative. He grabs his knife and places it over the mutt's neck. The knife was then forced downward, cutting into Ripper's neck. Blood started to stream down and pool all over the floor. Anderson smiled and knew this had to be done. He loved animals, but this one had harmed and killed many children.

Anderson stopped smiling and stood up. He made his was to Marge, who was snoring and reminding him of a pig. His knife gleaming red from the dog's blood. He hovered it over, but quickly withdrew it. A bit of torture never hurts, right?

He muffled the pig's mouth and tied her to the bed. He was going to inflict so much pain, so much she will never know that she was being tourchered. Anderson sat on a chair and waited for her to wake up. After three minutes, he heard muffed screaming. He looked up and saw Marge was awake and violently shaking. Anderson smiled and placed his knife against her neck. Marge shivered from the coldness of the metal. He smiled and brought the knife down on her left knee. Marge violent jerked forward, but was forced down by the restrains, tears pouring from the crease of her small, beady eyes.

"Darling, that was only the beginning." Anderson whispered in her ear, making Marge to shiver and try screaming for help. Anderson heard running and saw light from beneath the door.

"Marge, we're coming in!" A loud, thunderous voice shouted. Anderson hit next to the door in the shadows. He had a plan. As the door was slammed open and the large man saw his sister, Anderson brought his knife blade into the man's thick skull. Marge screamed, but it was muffled. Anderson smiled and patted Marge's bleeding hand, he had pulled every fingernail from her hand. 

"I'll be back, Darling. Make sure to not bleed out, I have a surprise for you." Anderson purred and left the room. He walked to the master bedroom, where Ms. Dursley should be located. Anderson walked in and saw Petunia awake, but in the bathroom fixing her hair. I smiled and decided to roleplay may favorite serial killer seen. I hid in the shadows behind her and waited till she looked straight into the mirror, to where I walked out and grabbed her and covered her mouth, knife pointed against her throat. 

"Good night~" I said, snapping her neck and dropping her body onto the floor. I walked out the bathroom but locked the door with a flick of my hand. I left the bedroom and went back to Marge's room. 

"I'm back, Darling. You ready for your surprise?" I ask, hiding her mutt's body behind me. I wait for a minute before pulling it out. It was still bleeding out and making a mess on my shoes, so I threw it on Marge's large stomach. I watch her cry out against the rag as her beloved dog's corpse laid on her, bleeding out. I laugh and decide to quickly end it. I stab her neck and tear it open. I watched as she choked on her blood and spluttered out, taking in her last breath. 

Anderson walked out and changed clothes and tried to look normal. He grabbed the child and read the letter.

Dear Mr. Dursley,

This is Harry Potter, age of two. He is the son of your wife's sister. She has divorced Mr. Potter and taken her second son. She decided to place Harry here for reasons. You WILL take care of the child. You can do whatever you want, but I want him back in one piece. I will send someone to pick up Harry once he is eleven years old. 

Yours Sincerely,

Albus W.P.B Dumbledore

Order of Merlin Two

Headmaster of Hogwarts

Light Leader

Wow, Anderson felt the magic waving through him on the word will. He believed the geezer had placed compulsions. Anderson places the letter down and transform a rock into a warm jacket for the child. Harry looked more peaceful when he placed it on, how could that old man simply place a child on a doorstep outside, in the freezing cold! Anderson left the car and walked in front of the Dursley home, where he proceeded to call the police, stating he heard screams and was frightened. 

When the police arrived, a whole team barged into the house, whilst Anderson was interrogated for information.

"Why were you outside the Dursley residence" The female cop asked, whose name was Malia.

"I was out walking with my son, Harry, when I heard screams and howls. I rushed over and saw a young boy running up the stairs through the window." Anderson explained, lies pouring out like honey.

"Ok, can you give me your information?" Malia asked.

"Yes, name is Andrew Klare, and this is my son Harry Klare. We live on Corry Avenue, a few streets from here. Here is my phone number, 323-453-2210. Is there anything else miss?" Anderson asked. 

"No. I suppose I better get going, keep this cutie safe, okay?" Malia said with a light smile.

"Mah! Dada, bloop!" Hadriel said, bopping Anderson's nose. Anderson blinked and stared down at Hadriel, a smile graced on his face. 

"I understand officer, have a good night." Anderson stated, watching Hadriel babble at nothing. Anderson decided to adopt this child and train him. He would be a better father than his father, he would raise Hadriel right.


Hadriel will be a... (house)

Hadriel will befriend... (friend group)

Hadriel will be able to... (special ability)

Decide in the comments and answer these three. This will be for the future. Have a good day, my ravens!

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