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(What is your favorite holiday?)

After leaving Herbology, the duo made their way to lunch. Hadriel dropped Draco of at the entrance and made his way to Professor Lockhart's office. When he knocked on the door, it swung open, and Professor Lockhart stood there. 

"Mr. Emerys, do come in," Professor Lockhart said with false cheer. He was pissed, actually he was more than pissed. Hadriel Emerys dared to share something private. First of all, how did he find out his little secret.

"Why did you have me come over, Sir?" Hadriel asked politely, trying his hard not to grimace as the idiot's messy office. 

"I needed to discuss something with you, something I will not be so kind if it happens again," Professor Lockhart said shortly, his eyes watching Hadriel like a hawk. 

"What is that Sir?" Hadriel questioned curiously. His eyes held childlike wonder, yet they held a flame of anger and disgust.

"You see, during Herbology, you let out some information I don't think needs to get out," Professor Lockhart said patiently, waiting for Hadriel to recall what happened during his last class.

"That you slept with Herm- Mhmm!" Hadriel said but was cut off when Professor Lockhart rushed forward and forcefully pushed his lips onto Hadriel's. After a minute, Professor Lockhart pulled away, glaring down at Hadriel. Hadriel was shaking and he was trying to refill his lungs.

"Yes, that...I think you need to be punished," Professor Lockhart said before attacking Hadriel's neck, littering it in bites and hickeys. Tears were pouring down Hadriel's face, he tried pushing Lockhart away, but the man was made of iron. 

"Come on, moan for me, be a good boy~" Professor Lockhart purred into Hadriel's ear. Hadriel felt a shiver go down his spine, not one of pleasure but of spite and disgust. 

Lockhart started taking off Hadriel's clothes. He removed his shirt, but before he could get to Hadriel's pants, the door slammed open. A group of aurors storm in with their wands out, ready to cast a spell. Professor Mcgonagall, Snape and Dumbledore followed behind and paled at the sight. 

"Gildroy Lockhart, you are under arrest for Sexual Harassment, Fraud and Theft. Please step away from the child and come with us," Kingsley said, his voice deep and angry. Lockhart paled and stepped away from Hadriel, who fell on the floor and curled into a ball. Professor Mcgonagall and Snape rushed forward and soothed Hadriel. They couldn't believe this had happened.

"There will be a hearing next Tuesday, if Hadriel Emerys, victim of Gildroy Lockhart, could attend and give evidence and backstory, that would be great," Kingsley said softly to Hadriel, who was staring at the floor, not being able to react or hear what was going on. 

"Come here, dear, let's head to Dining Hall for some food," Professor Mcgonagall said softly when Hadriel put on his shirt. She led him out and down the long corridors. He was pale and still shaking, tears still pouring down his face. When they arrived, the Hall went quiet.

"Please be respectful, Mr. Emerys needs space and time. Do not force him to tell you, wait until he is willing to," Professor Mcgonagall instructed firmly, leading Hadriel over to Draco. Draco rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

"Are you hurt? Do you need something? Are you okay? Why are you crying? Never mind, are you okay though?" Draco said quickly, his eyes scanning over Hadriel worriedly. Hadriel hugged him tightly and hid his face in the crook of Draco's neck. Draco picked him up and went to his spot. He sat down and placed Hadriel on his lap, running a hand through his hair. He grabbed another plate and loaded it with turkey, mashed potato, corn, and macaroni. 

Hadriel began to slowly eat it, calming down in the process. He looked at Draco and nodded, answering Draco's first question. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Draco asked softly, not wanting to pressure Hadriel. Hadriel swallowed his food and turned to look at Draco. 

"I was at L-Lockhart's office, and he tried touching me. He made m-marks on my neck, and he k-kissed me. The aurors and Professors came in when he was about to take my clothes off f-fully..." Hadriel trailed off, shaking nervously. The Slytherins all shared looks and nodded to each other, they were going to protect Hadriel, no matter what. Hadriel then curled up in Draco's lap, his head laying against Draco's chest. Draco smiled and stood up, excusing himself. He carried Hadriel to the dungeon, through the common room, and into his room. He laid him on his bed and went to get ready from his next classes. Hadriel was excused for the rest of the day and tomorrow because of what happened. 

Lockhart was going to pay...


That's it for today, folks! This was a little shorter than usual, I am busy. I will update more later, Go checks out my story ideas and other books! Have a lovely day.

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