A Time Skip to His 11th Birthday

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Hadriel launched up from his bed, eyes widened and darting around the room. It was his 11th birthday, a birthday he would dislike. He had to go to the Dursleys, who were his relatives that his parents left him to. He grabbed his muggle outfit and slipped it on.

 He grabbed his muggle outfit and slipped it on

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Looked cute and smart-casual. Hopefully I can have a fun day and possibly make the founders forget to bring me there. I finish up and make my way to the dining room, where all the founders were. They all were waiting for him.

"Morning! What a rainy day, I should not go outside today I guess..." Hadriel said loudly, making his best disappointed face. The founders all started laughing softly, they didn't want Hadriel to leave, but it had to happen. 

"Sorry, Riel, but you must go...we do have a gift we'd all like to give you." Godric said sadly. He nodded towards Salazar, who pulled out a vial. It was filled with a black liquid. 

"We want you to be our Heir, our blood. You're like a son to me, to all of us. If you want to, drink it. We all placed some of our DNA in..." Salazar said, watching the boy's eyes light up. Hadriel grabbed the vial and drank the thick liquid inside, ignoring the burning sensation inside his throat. After a minute of silence, Hadriel felt his body burn. He grunted and gritted his teeth in pain. After a couple more seconds, the pain vanished. 

"Would you like a mirror?" Helga offered after a minute of staring in amazement. Hadriel nodded and Helga made a large mirror appear in front of him.

Hadriel was taller by 1 foot and 5 inches. His hair was still midnight black, but his bangs faded into red. His eyes were no longer green, instead were a beautiful deep ocean blue. His jawline was sharp, and lips were fuller. His eyes were rounder and his nose smaller. His cheekbones were high and curved. His build was lean with some muscles. His fingers were longer. His hair wasn't Potter crazy, but smooth and silky. His hair reached his shoulder blades. He had Helga's soft looks, Rowena's eyes, Godric's hair, Salazar's build and jawline. He looked attractive; it doesn't help when he is already a veela. 

"It's best we send you off, pretend you were walking home from school, okay. We added some false memories of them raising you decently. We'll be there, just in our reincarnated form. Just look for Luna (Rowena), Neville (Helga), Draco (Salazar) and Ronald (Godric). Love Ya, Little Lion!" Godric shouted as you apparated a corner away from the Dursley's resident. He made his way towards the home and noticed a family of four talking to Petunia Dursley.

"Erm, Tunie? Who are they?" Hadriel asked, placing his mask on.

"Oh, Hads! You're back from school, go inside, there's a snack for you on the table." Petunia said warmly, even though Hadriel didn't know her, he felt loved. He got plenty of love from the founders, but this was Auntie type of love.

"Okay! Is Duds done with his work?" Hadriel asked Petunia. Petunia nodded and he walked inside. He took a look around and sighed.

"Hads? You good? I could have had Nolan pick you up too, next time just ask, Cuz." Dudley said with a kind smile on his face. 

"Sure thing, Duds, want to play some Minecraft or Roblox?" Hadriel asked with an excited tone.

"Sure! I already have Minecraft loaded up! We can finish our build and show Dad!" Dudley said excitedly. Hadriel nodded with the same amount of fake enthusiasm. They rushed over to Dudley's room and got started. They were about to finish their city when Petunia called Hadriel downstairs.

"Yes, Tunie?" Hadriel asked softly. Petunia looked angry at the four people, who were sitting on her couch.

"Meet your parents and siblings. I told them you are going to Hogwarts and to leave you alone, but they kept denying you'd not want to see them." Petunia huffed and stormed into the kitchen, probably to finish up the cookies and tea for her guests tonight. 

"Hello, Harry, I'm Lily Potter and this is my husband, James Potter. We're your parents and want to take you home with us. You can finally spend time with your siblings." Lily introduced herself happily. She examined him and saw that he had a mix of Lily's and James's facial structure. His hair was a mix between the two, but James's hair color was more dominate. His eyes are what surprised her, they were an enchanting ocean blue. His skin was pale, like snow. 

"Hello, Ms. Potter and Mr. Potter, I'm Hadriel Evans and would rather spend my time with my family before I attend my new school. Thank you for your invitation, but I must kindly reject it." Hadriel replied coldly, keeping a sweet smile on his face. The couple didn't seem to notice the hatred present in his voice. 

"Listen, dear, we can introduce you into magic more, then you'd be more prepared. We're your parents, you should come home to spend the time you missed with your family!" Lily said loudly, tears pooling in her eyes.

"No thank you. You may be my birth parents, but you are not people I'd consider parents. It is both of your faults for the time I missed, and you know it. I am perfectly ha-" Hadriel scolded before he was cut off by his cousin.

"Hads! You done yet? I need your help finishing this bit, Dad will be so proud when he sees it 3d printed!" Dudley said excitedly, waiting for Hadriel's response.

"Yep, I'm coming! Tunie, I finished talking to the guests!" Hadriel informed Petunia and he raced upstairs. He continued playing and finished after a couple minutes. Dudley ran to set the printer up and Hadriel sat there and waited for him. Dudley rushed in with the printer and connected it. I started the process of printing and watched it build layer by layer, it was satisfying. 

"We did it! You can keep this build, since I keep most of them." Dudley said with a proud smile on his face. 

Hadriel thinks he'll like it here for now...


That is all, Darlings! I hope you all have a good day/night and enjoy whatever holiday you're celebrating! Ta Ta~

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