New Family and a Deal

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Hadriel sat up in the soft, cushioned bed. The silky blanked wrinkled while Hadriel brushed his hand across it, shivering at the cold texture. He rubs the last bit of sleep from his eyes and looks around. 

He was currently in a lavishly decorated bedroom. The room was decorated in blue and silver. There was a chandelier, it was huge and glowing dimly. The chandelier was impressive on its own, but to his right was breath-takingly beautiful mural. It was a picture of a forest. The colors captured the denseness and wildness of the forest. The green was pure and made the whole thing realistic. The wood of each tree was vibrant and captured the roughness and the strokes of the wood fitted perfectly. The vines connecting the trees portrayed life in unbelievable ways. To his left was a side table, it had a plate with toast on it, a cup of honey tea sat next to it, its sweet aroma filling Hadriel's nose. 

Hadriel wiggled his way out of the heavy sheets and slid down from the big bed. When his feet had hit the ground, Hadriel smiled. The carpet was soft, and it tickled his toes. He walked towards the tall, oak door and reached for the doorknob, but was too short to reach. Hadriel stood on his tippy-toes and finally reached the doorknob. He twisted it and it opened with ease; it revealed a long corridor. 

Hadriel wondered down the long hall, passing many doors, until he stopped at one. He heard voices, voices from people he knew not. He reached for the doorknob and opened the door, to reveal four people. The people stopped talking and stared down at the small boy. 

"Hello, dear, I'm Helga Hufflepuff. I'm one of the four founders of Hogwarts. I represent kindness, loyalty and love! Godric, here, saved you from possible death." Helga said smoothly, a soft smile on her face as she introduced herself to Hadriel.

"I'm Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the founders of Hogwarts. I represent knowledge, curiosity and wittiness." Rowena said kindly. 

"I'm Godric Gryffindor! I represent bravery, adventure and loyalty! I saved you from those creepy killers, they would have killed you." Godric boasted loudly. Rowena rolled up her magazine and smacked Godric on his head.

"I am Salazar Slytherin. I represent cunning, smart, and skill. I expect you to be at least mannered when you dare talk to me." Salazar sneered disdainfully at the cowering boy. He felt a connection but ignored it. He would not mix with a half-breed, nor help such a thing.

"I-I'm Hadriel. I can talk to snakes and do bad stuff! I can also be a kitty!" Hadriel shared excitedly; his nervousness no longer present.

"Welcome to Hogwarts Manor, Hadriel. We decided to offer you something in return is that you fulfil it. We want you to be our heir, not Salazar's since he denied such opportunity." Helga explained, glaring at Salazar in the end.

"Otay! I will train hard and be super smart for you all! Thank you!" Hadriel squealed, running towards Helga and hugging her leg. 

"Now, wait a minute, I didn't know he could talk to snakes! How is that first?" Salazar pointed out angrily. 

"Sorry...don't talk to me until you can be smart and think first!" Hadriel said sharply, hugging Helga's leg tighter. Salazar glared at the boy and stormed out of the room.

"That was hilarious! I think I like this boy already! Though, why is he much more confident?" Godric roared with laughter, gasping for air.

"Sorry, I'm only five, you are a bad guy! Helga, save me!" Hadriel whined playfully, giggling at Godric's crestfallen face. Godric stood up and playfully glared at the child.

"You wanna go?" Godric shouted with a slight smile. Hadriel smiled back sweetly.

"No, but you can go. It'll be better if you did." Hadriel said sweetly, a smile still on his face. Helga and Rowena were covering their mouths, trying to contain their laughter.

"You brat! I'm the strongest and handsomest man alive!" Godric boasted, a wider smile on his face. He was trying his best not to laugh.

"I didn't know it was opposite day, why didn't you tell me?" Hadriel replied simply before leaving the room to go find Salazar, leaving the laughing duo and the ego-beaten Godric to laugh or cry. 


"I wonder if it worked." Salazar murmured to himself, waiting at the entrance of the Dungeons. Hadriel ran to him and started giggling. Salazar smiled and took Hadriel to the potion's lab. 

"That was so funny!" Hadriel giggled. Hadriel replays what had happened while he was gone. Salazar laughed when Hadriel explained Godric's face to be "Horrific and Monstrous, like his pet dog was killed" and asked for his memory of it.  

"Sal? Can you teach me potions?" Hadriel asked while he watched Salazar pour in some ingredients. 

"Why not, Little Snake, come over here, I'll explain every ingredient first." Salazar agreed. Hadriel jumped of his stool and waddled over to Salazar. He stood on his tippy-toes and watched Salazar make his potion as Salazar explained each ingredient. 

"Love, are you in here?" Godric said loudly as he walked into the potion's lab. He stopped abruptly when he saw Salazar and Hadriel working on a potion. Salazar's head turned around and his eyes narrowed.

"Godric? I thought I told you that you weren't allowed here after last time." Salazar said coldly, a smirk gracing his face. 

"Oh, I know, but why is Hadriel down here with you? I though you hated him." Godric asked confused. Hadriel and Salazar both turned to each other and laughed. Godric stared at them confused.

"That was a prank! I met Hadriel when he was two, his parents forgot he was playing outside. I was picking some potion ingredients and met him. I can never hate him!" Salazar said when he finally calmed down, a smile on his face. Godric joined Hadriel in learning about Potions.

They acted like a perfect and normal family, but they weren't normal...


That is all! Have a good Christmas and a lovely day!

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