The Train and the Reincarnated

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Hadriel woke up and groaned. He dearly missed his old bed at the Hogwarts Manor. Hadriel sat up and stretched. He exited his room and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. He noticed no one was awake and decided to cool breakfast for them. 

As he was finishing up the eggs and the bacon, he heard footsteps enter the kitchen. He placed the plate on the table and started filling up the cup. Dudley got orange juice, Petunia got tea and Vernon got Coffee. Hadriel stuck with some orange juice too. 

"Hadriel? What are you doing awake this early?" Petunia asked when she saw the boy in the kitchen grabbing silverware. She had woken up to start on breakfast, but saw breakfast on the table, hot and delicious looking. 

"I woke up earlier than normal and decided to make breakfast since I'm leaving today." Hadriel explained softly. Petunia walked up to him with a smile and hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you, dear, you didn't have to do that." Petunia said kindly. What did she do to deserve such an adorable and kind nephew?

"I know, but I wanted to, as a thank you for raising me when my parents didn't want to." Hadriel said shyly. He looked so adorable, like a puppy.

"We are happy to have raised such a kind and lovable boy, you are so adorable, I don't think Hogwarts will be able to take you!" Petunia gushed and patted Hadriel's head softly. He nodded and went to go wake Dudley up, whilst Petunia went to wake Vernon up.


"So, Hadriel, what do you think about the new law degree the prime minister had just declared, I find it to be bullocks!" Vernon said, they were talking about the new prime minister.

"Honestly, that man is not very smart. How could he just decide to force overweight kids to take extra gym classes, sure it may be healthy, but that is torturous to them! They don't deserve that, what about the law where parents must keep a leash on their children's wrist if they're under 10 years old, that is insane!" Hadriel shared, disgusted at the man's actions. Vernon nodded and started talking to Dudley about the football game coming up. 

"Oh! Would you look at the time, we need to start driving Hadriel there. We'll be a bit early, but that's good." Petunia realized when she looked at the clock. Hadriel ran to the door and said goodbye to his cousin and uncle. He waited outside patiently for Petunia to come out and take him. 

"Alright, let's head out." Petunia said when she opened the car door. 

They drove for a while, talking about plants and redesigning the house. They also talked about some dessert recipes. It was a fun talk and refreshing to talk about something not important. When they arrived, Hadriel said goodbye to his aunt and walked towards the wall that had a magical aura. He ran through it with his chest. 

"Hespen? Are you ok?" Hadriel asked his familiar. The midnight cobra peeked from his collar nodded. He snuck his long snake with him, he couldn't just leave Hespen. The snake was coiling himself around Hadriel's waist and chest. Hespen was mostly napping but came out time to time. 

Hadriel looked around and noticed very few parents with their children. He kept walking until he accidently bumped into someone.

"My apologies! I wasn't looking where I was going." Hadriel quickly said, bowing in an apologetic manner. A hand lifted his chin and he saw a blonde boy staring at him. 

"I forgive you, but please do be careful. I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." Draco introduced, extending his hand.

"Hadriel, Hadriel Emerys. I will be careful next time, if there is a next time." Hadriel said politely, shaking his hand firmly. 

"I better be off to look for a compartment, it was nice meeting you." Hadriel said softly, realizing he just had met Sal's reincarnation.

"Wait, you can wait here with me. My parents are over there talking about nonsense, I have some friends that'll be arriving shortly." Draco said simply. Hadriel nodded and stood there awkwardly.

"What house do you think you'd be in?" Draco suddenly asked, surprising Hadriel with this random question.

"I think I'd do well in all but Gryffindor. They're to brash and careless, and people wonder why Gryffindor hasn't won the house cup in years." Hadriel scoffed, thinking about being in Gryffindor made him shiver. He loved Godric, but that man was too careless and always getting in trouble.

"Understandable, I know I will be in Slytherin; my whole family has been." Draco said smugly, Hadriel nodded and thought some more.

"What do you think about flying?" Draco asked. Hadriel thought quickly.

"Honestly, it is enjoyable. The rush of adrenaline and the air running through your hair. It is peaceful and amazing. I'm excited for flying lessons." Hadriel replied softly.

"Blaise! Pansy! Theo! Over here!" Draco called out. Hadriel looked to his left and saw them. They were good looking. Pansy was beautiful and was the perfect definition of a flower, delicate and pretty. Blaise was handsome and his skin was so pretty. Theo looked smart and good looking. Wait...why was I checking them out?

"Hadriel, this is Pansy Parkison, Blaise Zabini and Theo Nott. Guys, this is Hadriel Emerys. Let's go find a compartment, there should be one in the very back that is usually empty and pretty big." Draco said, leading the group onto the train and to the very back of the bus. Draco was right, it was completely empty and very large. They all set down their luggage and sat in their respective seat.


"Wake up, Emerys, we're here!" Blaise shouted to wake Hadriel up, who Blaise couldn't deny looked adorable when he woke up.

"Hmm? W-we're here?" Hadrian mumbled, his voice raspy and soft. He looked like he was about to pass out again. Blaise sighed and lifted him onto his back, blushing when he felt Hadriel's breath on his neck. 

Blaise walked out of the train with both his and Hadriel's luggage and a sleeping Hadriel on his back. Draco and Pansy snorted when they saw Blaise's tired and red face.

"See that you're enjoying this, huh? Mind carrying mine and his luggage for me, my hands hurt, and I can't support him fully." Blaise said with a sigh. He handed his stuff to Draco and Hadriel's to Pansy. He shifted Hadriel into a better position, better for the both of them.

Is this a start of a love story?


This might turn into a Harry Harem story, idk. If I do, who should be in it?

Anyways, that is all, my dears! Have a lovely day/night as it is currently 11:42pm and is Christmas night. Goodnight!

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