A Cat Party and Zalgo

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"Hadriel, why did you eat my waffles! You know that I love the syrupy ones." Toby groaned, still half asleep. The other creepypasta stared at Toby in confusion.

"Toby...who is Hadriel?" Jack asked slowly, taking full advantage of Toby's current state. The creepypasta all shared looks. 

"Oh, he is my brother, my waffle brother. We eat waffles together...so go...mhh." Toby said, falling asleep at the end. The creepypasta glanced at Toby and Jeff started cackling. 

"Is Toby so lonely that he makes friends with his waffles? How pathetic!" Jeff shouted; the others joined into the laughter. The laughter quickly died out when they heard music from Toby's room. 

"Do you all hear...music?" Jane asked confused. The others nodded their heads and made their way towards the sound. When they arrived, the door was slightly ajar, light and music blasting from the room. They pushed open the door and saw the strangest sight, and they're creepy, stalking killers. 

"Is that fricking cat, dancing and bloody Smile playing DJ? I can see more shitty cats in there, what the hell is going on?!" Jeff whisper shouted. The cats started to meow in sync, they formed a circle and started meowing louder. 

"Are they seriously doing a ritual?" Jack whispered in amusement. The cats started dancing in a circle pattern and Tic the fricking cat starts to make claw runes, summoning a long-time enemy of the creepypastas, but mostly Slenderman.

"WHO DARES SUMMON ME FROM MY REST?!" A deep, booming voice calls out. The cats all scramble away and leap out the windows. The mist slowly evaporated, and a form came from it. It was a man. He had short, wavy hair and it was a bright, glowing brown color. His eyes were a maroon, blood red type of color and is glittered with promising adventure. He had a sharp jawline, not sharp to cut glass though. The man was defined and very muscular. 

"A cat? A cat dared to summon me. How disappointing. You are going to suffer, just you wait. Since you're a cat, you'll never be able to eat fish again! MWAH HAHA! I'm so evil!" Zalgo shouted, his eyes glowing with power. If only he knew the cat was a living boy, a powerful wizard in fact. Hadriel also didn't eat fish; he despises it actually. 

"I'm don't eat fish, your big meanie! I eat waffles with Tobs! I wish you would go to sleep! Ahh!" Hadriel screamed at the man, he transformed back and was angry. He blasted the demon back and giggled at the moment. 

"A wizard? Hm, you must be powerful and especially when you're so young. I think you should come with me, child, come and Tobs would be happy. He hates you, he just wants his waffles, his waffles and not you. Join me, then you can be happy." Zalgo offered, trying to convince the four-year-old to join him. 

"No! Tobs loved Hadriel! Hadriel is Tobs brother and you're a big meanie!" Hadriel screamed, tears gushing out from his eyes. He summoned his stuffed snake and held it tightly. He was so angry; he was just so close to blasting this man to unidentifiable pieces. 

"Now, child, listen to me! I'm Lord Zalgo, a high demon and a powerful figure. You either come with me or I show you the truth, your choice!" Zalgo roared, his cheeks flushed with anger. He took in a deep breath, knowing this is a child he is dealing with.

"Show me, then I think bout it." Hadriel muttered, sniffling and wiping his tears. He clutched his snake tighter as his head filled with the thoughts of others.

"He is so useless! He failed out mission!" Jeff yelled.

"He is stupid, he doesn't get what leave me alone means!" Jack screamed in rage.

"He looks ugly and mean." Sally whispered to Lazari, who nodded along.

"I don't actually care about him; he is such a waste!" Toby shouted.

"We can kill him soon, Jeff, you brandish the knives!" L.J decided, running out the room.

"Guys, he is so annoying and pitiful! Just hurry up!" Jane groaned in annoyance.

Hadriel felt warm tears rush down his face, his stuffed snake falling from his hand. He choked back a sob and only let his tears run down his cheek. He felt so betrayed. He didn't know that they all felt that way, especially Toby. They even planned to kill him! 

"See what I mean, darling? Join me, I'll show you the right side and the adventurous side." Zalgo murmured as held the child in his arms. He felt a connection between the child and himself, a warm and nice connection. He heard soft breathing and looked at the child. He fell asleep.

Zalgo stood up and carried the kid with him, not noticing the snake plushy following. Zalgo teleported to his manor, well known as the Hogwarts Manor. He peeled off his glamor to reveal Godric Gryffindor. He had red, curly hair and a determined, adventurous look in his red eyes. He was tall and sturdy, very strong and a powerful swordman.

Now, what to do with this kid...


That is all for today folks, I'll be adding more ideas into my book for ideas. Make sure to go check that out and decide on one! I do hope you have a good day/night. Till next time, my ravens!

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