Potions Class

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As Hadriel woke up, he felt something warm on his face. He reached and felt his face and pulled back to check what it was. Blood, blood was on his face. 

Hadriel quickly sat up and checker for his familiars, relieved to see them okay. Draco and Blaise were still asleep, so was the other guy. Hadriel quickly got out of bed and got ready for the day, as he entered the bathroom and check his face in the mirror, he noticed a deep gash in his cheek, below his eyes. It was vertical and was bleeding quite a bit. He shrugged and quickly showered. 

As he scrubbed his hair, he wondered who would have done that. If only they knew he doesn't feel pain, in fact, he is used to it by now. Not only did he not feel pain, but he also grew an interest in blood, he liked blood and enjoyed seeing it, that would explain the cut marks on his wrist. Unfortunately, when the founders found out, they watched him like hawks and made sure he never did it again.

After the refreshing shower, he started combing his hair and doing his stuff. Ignoring the cut that decided to start bleeding again, honestly, he didn't mind. As he left, he noticed the boys were gone and class started in three minutes, how did this happen? 

As he rushed through the secret passages in Hogwarts, he made it in front of the Potions classroom and walked in, not noticing the gaping faces of his fellow Slytherins when they saw his face. He walked to the back and saw in an empty corner, possibly because there was a huge spider in the corner. After an estimated 3 minutes, the door slammed close as the Professor walked in with his cloak bellowing behind him. 

"There will be no foolish wand waving here, you all will learn the art of potions making. How to bottle and brew glory," Professor Snape snarled," I'm Professor Snape, your potions professor. You'll address me either as SIR or PROFESSOR, understood?" Everyone nodded and felt nervous around the potion's professor. As everyone sat there with a bated breath, Professor Snape took attendance.


Pansy Parkison- Here

Draco Malfoy- Here

Vincent Crabbe- Late (-1 pts)

Gregory Goyle- Late (-1 pts)

Blaise Zabini- Here

Milicent Bulstrode- Here

Tracey Davis- Here

Daphne Greengrass- Here

Theodore Nott- Here

Sally-Anne Perks- Absent

Hadriel Emerys- Here

Leanne Moon- Here

Isobel MacDougal- Here


Hermione Granger- Here

Ron Weasley- Late (-10 pts)

Ray Potter- Late (-10 pts)

Parvati Patil- Here

Lavender Brown- Here

Neville Longbottom- Here

Dean Thomas- Here

Seamus Finnigan- Late (-10 pts)

Fay Dunbar- Here

After everyone that was here was taken accounted for, Professor Snape glared steadily at the Gryffindors.

"Potter! Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Professor Snape sneered disdainfully. When he saw the Potter spawn, he knew that he'd be just like James Potter. Another student was eerily similar to the Potters, but different. Hadriel Emerys, same black hair as James, same round eyes and Lily, same lean structure as James, same cheekbones as Lily, jaw structure as James, only his eye color pulled them apart. Those ocean blue eyes, dark and cold, easy to drown in if you stared too long in them. 

"Erm, I don't know, why should it matter?" Ray asked annoyed. He was the boy who lived, he shouldn't need to be learning and doing school. 

Professor Snape sighed and continued," Weasley! Get your stubby finger out of your nostril!" Ron quickly drew his finger from his nose and turned red from embarrassment. 

"Whatever, you slimy git." Ron mumbled angrily. Professor Snape turned back towards him and glared murderously. 

"Would you like to repeat that, Mr. Weasley? No? Fine, 20 points from Gryffindor." Professor Snape snarled.

This was going to be a long class...


This is all for today folks! Hope you enjoyed, if you did, please leave a vote or even follow me if you wished too! Check out my other books too!

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