The Sorting

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(I'm a Sagittarius, what are you?)

The quad made their way to the other students. A big, hair man was shouting directions to them.

"O're Here, F'rst years! O're Here!" The big, burly man shouted. The crowd of students followed him to where they met a lake. Boats were docked on the bed of the lake, the temperature turning colder as they drew closer to the freezing waters.

"How much do you want to bet that the big oaf would sink his boat or at least tip it over?" Draco sneered in a disdainful manner. Pansy and Blaise shared a look and sighed.

"Fine, I'll bet you five sickles that he'll fall towards the middle of the trip." Pansy said haughtily. 

"I bet you 3 galleons that the oaf won't fall at all." Blaise said quietly, shifting Hadriel again.

"I bet you 1 galleon and 6 sickled he won't fall." Hadriel said, had woken up during the start of the conversation. Blaise gasped in surprise and almost dropped him into the wet grass.

"Hm, I bet you 5 galleons he'd fall towards the end of the ride." Draco betted, not realizing Hadriel was awake.

"Nah, I think he's done this before, possible for a couple years." Hadriel pointed out. Draco swifty turned his head and stared at Hadriel.

"Weren't you just asleep?" Draco questioned; an eyebrow raised. Hadriel was silent for a couple of seconds before sighing.

"I woke up when you started making bets, but I was too comfortable to say anything, plus, this is a free piggyback ride!" Hadriel admitted, a smirk on his face. Blaise groaned and gently set Hadriel down. Blaise stretched and his back popped. 

"Old man." Pansy teases, amusement clear in her eyes. Blaise shook his head and helped Hadriel into a boat before stepping in. Draco and Pansy followed. The boat rocked gently, and the wind brushed them softly, as if caressing them in a welcoming way. 

The boats started to move magically, scaring some of the first years. Hadriel was dipping his hand into the water, ignoring Pansy, who was trying to pull it out of the cold water. When he finally complied, she began scolding him. Blaise and Draco were watching in amusement as Hadriel pouted cutely and Pansy scolded him, checking his hand for any frostbite.

After a couple of minutes, they all heard a loud splash. The group of four quickly turned around and saw a red headed boy struggling in the cold water, some students were crying in fear and others laughing. 

A large tenacle raised from the water and latched itself around Ron. It hoisted the screaming boy back onto his boat before sinking back in. The red-haired boy sat down and was soaking wet, shivering in his cold attire. 

"Merlin's pants, it wasn't the big oaf, but someone did at least give a show." Draco sneered. Blaise started talking about Quidditch and the positions. Pansy was carefully watching Hadriel to make sure he didn't place his hand in the lake again. Hadriel saw something near their boat and quickly reached for it. He felt himself make contact and grabbed it. He pulled it out and saw a water snake, it was silver and faded into an aquamarine towards the end of his tail. 

"Guys, look! I caught a snake! Can I please keep it if it lets me?" Hadriel shouted, showing the group his snake. Pansy shrieked and told Hadriel to put it back. Draco started laughing and Blaise sighed and started reading a book.

"Put me down, human! Before I bite you!" The water snake hissed angrily. 

"Wait, would you like to stay with me? I have another snake friend, his name is Hespen." Hadriel hissed back, scaring his friends more.

"Speaker? Yes, please take me with you, it is far too cold for me here!" The snake hissed happily.

"Do you have a name, snake?" Hadriel asked.

"Yes, my name is Akua. I prefer if you'd call me Aku." The snake hissed softly. Hadriel nodded and let Aku curl around his wrist. He saw they had just arrived and left the boat, following the giant to the entrance of the magical school. A giant dosage of water came crashing down on the student up front, a sound of cackling can he heard from above.

"Peeves! Hmph, welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm Headmistress Mcgonagall, follow me and we shall proceed to the sorting." Headmistress Mcgonagall greeted, a strict and professional face on her, but you can see she is excited to meet us through her eyes.

As the students walked through the entrance and down a hallway, they stopped in front of a large door.

"Wait here so we can prepare to sort you." Headmistress Mcgonagall said curtly before walking away. 

"Yeah! Me and Ron will be cool! Apparently, my younger brother will be attending, and we'll all be Gryffindors and defeat Voldemort! My dad also said something about Triwizard stuff, dunno what that is." Ray boasted, not knowing his brother was listening and growing in anger. 

"Sure, as if your fantasy is gonna come true." Draco sneered at Ray.

"I bet you'll be a slimy snake! Working for Voldemort, aren't you?!" Ray shouted, his face red.

"Black, unruly hair, ugly hazel eyes, broken and ugly spectacles? Must be a Potter." Draco said disdainfully. 

"Who are you, disgusting snake?" Ron joined in the banter.

"Draco, Draco Malfoy. Red hair, ungodly number of freckles, hand-me down robes? You must be a Weasley, but which one? Your mom keeps popping out more and more." Draco snarled, a smirk present on his face. 

"Yeah, well, my brother will help me defeat he-who-should-not-be-named! You death eater!" Ray screamed.

This was going to be a long 7 years of schooling...


That is all! Have an enjoyable day!

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