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(How is life? It's going great for me)

After a delicious lunch, Hadriel made his way through the courtyard to the Greenhouse for Herbology. Draco and Blaise were trailing behind, Pansy chatting with Daphne Greengrass about their Potions essay. While Hadriel was leading the way, Blaise and Draco were whispering to each other.

"I can't believe that b*tch, That Lavender Brown girl is disgusting, she was basically salivating under his touch." Draco whispered angrily, stealing a glance at Hadriel.

"Yes, That Tobias Cobin and his friends are also pretty shady, I saw them staring hungrily at him. We need to teach them all that Hadriel is ours." Blaise growled lowly. Draco nodded along.

"Hey, we're here!" Hadriel exclaimed cheerfully bringing the others out of their deep conversations. 

"Are you sure? It looks more like an overgrown bush than a greenhouse." Draco sneered at the greenhouse mess. Hadriel rolled his eyes.

"Really? If it's an overgrown bush, then you're a ferret, a greasy ferret." Hadriel said with a smirk. Draco scoffed and walked pass Hadriel. 

"Here Hadriel, I found this in an overgrown shrubbery." Blaise said softly, handing Hadriel a beautiful white flower. Hadriel held it gently in his hands and stroked the petals.

"Thank you, Blaise, I will cherish it deeply." Hadriel said shyly with a pure smile. Pansy and Daphne were gushing and cooing at the duo's adorable interaction. Blaise blushed deeply and scratched his nape. Hadriel made the rose turn into a charm and placed it on an empty string.

"There! I can easily turn it back and It'll never die! Thank you, Blaise." Hadriel said cheerfully, skipping off after Draco, who was watching the interaction with raised eyebrows. 

"What?" Blaise asked when he caught up to the group. Draco was giving him this weird look. 

"Nothing, why are you asking?" Draco quickly replied. Blaise opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the Golden Trio.

"Well, would you look here. The mini deatheaters, what is Dumbledore doing letting things like you enter?" Ron sneered in disgust. Hadriel's cheerful demeanor quickly evaporated, and it was replaced with darkness. 

"He let us in because we aren't deatheaters, Weasley. Please refrain from calling me and my friends that." Hadriel said politely. Ron rolled his eyes and stepped closer, looking down at Hadriel.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do, Deatheater scum?" Ron said with a raised eyebrow. Hadriel scowled.

"You are weak, people would call you a girl. What would you do?" Ron said with a smirk, nudging Ray. Ray wasn't looking at Hadriel or laughing along his friends.

"A girl! How about I pound you like a boy! Wait, that didn't come out right..." Hadriel snapped back but turned red as he realized what he said. Ron's face was red, and he was tripping over his words, his mouth forming possible words, yet no sound coming out. 

"So, you're a wh*re? Should have know. I bet you're sleeping with the professors for the top grades you get!" Hermione snarled, latching onto Ron's arm and sending a glare at Hadriel.

"You should know, since you slept with Professor Lockhart, assistant for Herbology. I don't need to sleep with a teacher as I have the brains you clearly lack." Hadriel said with a smirk, sending a wink at the horror filled Lockhart. Professor Sprout looked at Lockhart in shock and disgust.

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