Backstabbing and Magic

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It was Halloween. The twin's third Halloween. They were upstairs, playing with Peter Pettigrew. Lily and James were going out for dinner and trusted Peter to watch them. 

Peter was a nervous wreck. He was recently forced by Dumbledore to reveal where his best friend and his family lived to Voldemort, just for some stupid prophecy and fame. Peter really didn't want to do it, but he feared Dumbledore and his place in the wizarding world. He snapped out of thought when he felt something touch his arm. He looked down and saw Hadrien. He can't worry now; he was going to enjoy these last moments with his friend's children. Peter smiled and continued to play with blocks. While Hadrien and Ray were trying to take Peter's block tower down, a powerful dark figure was approaching the now unwarded house. 

(Bet you know who it is IF you read and remember from last chapter)

Peter jumped when he heard a loud thud downstairs. He stood up and tried hiding the children, but Ray was crying loudly. When was luck ever on Peter's side? Never, but it did come with some advantages. He rushed downstairs and saw a cloaked figure. He tried persuading the figure to stop but was unsuccessful. He was casted aside and bounded to the floor. He watched fearfully as the figure disappeared from his sight to the upstairs. 


After stopping that insufferable buffoon, I walked upstairs to where I heard crying. I pushed entered the room and saw two babies. I came here to see who the cause of my defeat was. I look at the first baby. He had black hair and hazel eyes. He was taller and plumper. He had adorable freckles and was crying. The second was a smaller and thinner boy. He had raven black hair and glowing green eyes. His skin was pale, and he had no freckles. He was just sitting there, staring at me with curiosity. Both had potential, but the smaller one had much more. I quickly raise my wand. 'Am I really going to kill a pair of magical twins? What if the prophecy comes true because I let both or one live?' I thought. 

"Fancy seeing you here Tom. Now, I can clearly see you're struggling with such a simple task, do you perhaps need some persuasion?" 

The figure, known as Voldemort, turned around. Dumbledore stood there, wand out and ready. He had a bright twinkle in his eyes. "Ah, Dumbledore. I would never kill such powerful pureblood children, even you know how scarce magical children are, especially twins." I hissed. "You should also know I don't believe your little mind games." I glare at the old goat.

'Avada Kadavra!'

A bright green jet of light blasted from the end of Dumbledore's wand, towards the hazel haired boy, but the other crawled Infront of the hazel haired child. As it structed Hadrian, it rebounded towards Voldemort. Voldemort was hit and vanished. A piece of glass shot out and made a gash on Ray's cheek.


Tbh, I'm giving this story up. If anyone wants it, take it. Keep credit if you want, Afterall you may be continuing it.

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