Charms Class

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After an intense class of Transfiguration, it was time for Charms. Hadriel was pumping with energy to do this class, hopefully Ray doesn't spoil it. 

When Hadriel finally arrived at the classroom and waited for his friends to join him, he saw a small man trying to grab a book from a high shelf. Hadriel wanted to laugh but felt bad and decided to help the small man. Hadriel pulled out his wand and quickly used 'Wingardium Leviosa' to bring it down to the man quickly. After the book reached the man's small hands, Hadriel went back to relaxing in his seat, taking in the sunlight that was warming him up slowly. 

"Thank you, 5 points to Slytherin for use of a charm to help! I didn't hear an incantation either!" The small man awarded in amazement. Hadriel smiled down at the Professor and started reading a book about Necromancy. 

=================Class Starting===============

"Settle down! Hello! I'm Professor Flitwick, your Charms professor. Let's start with attendance." Professor Flitwick said as he stood on a stack of books to see over his desk. 

Professor Flitwick started attendance and he when he was halfway done, something amazing happened. 

"P-potter Ray?" Flitwick spluttered in surprise, stumbling a bit. The Gryffindors snickered and Ray puffed up his chest, looking proud and high. 

"Sup!" Ray responded carelessly. Professor Flitwick calmed down and continued but stuttered again afterwards.

"E-Emerys, Hadriel?" Flitwick said with wide eyes and a grin on his face.

"Present," Hadriel replied monotoned, raising an eyebrow at the Professors reaction.

"Are you possibly related to Myrddin Wyllt?" Professor Flitwick asked excitedly. Hadriel realized he was talking about Merlin, that old man changed his name, and he overheard it once. 

"Yes, Professor. He is a relative," Hadriel responded uncertain on what Professor Flitwick was trying to say.

"Myrddin Wyllt, known as Merlin, is one of the greatest wizards. He did magic that is considered the greatest magic seen, doing everything perfectly and he was unstoppable, at least until he disappeared. Leaving a sigh, the sign of Pendragon. He was a great wizard, doing amazing things." Professor Flitwick whispered, none hearing his explanation.

"Professor?" Hermione asked worried, she wasn't exactly worried for the professor but more on learning todays lesson and being smartest witch of her age. She NEEDED to be first, yet someone was already beating her in everything. Hadriel out did her in everything; looks, influence, popularity, smarts, magic and friends. He was unreachable, she was so far behind, and he will always be on the top, but she will succeed, right?

"Ahh, yes, back to the lesson. There are feathers in front of you, you all will make them float with a levitating spell. I will have someone show you...Mr. Emerys, would you show us, you already had shown me earlier." Professor Flitwick said nodding toward Hadriel. Hadriel stood up and walked over to the center of the room. He drew out his wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa," Hadriel murmured firmly, his voice barely being heard, even if the room was silent. 

The feather shot up instantaneously and was moving fluently. Hadriel gave a soft smile that seemed to light up the room and give warmth to those who saw it. Professor Flitwick clapped excitedly.

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